The old River Leen and its radical re-routing...

In this "Tale From Watnall Hall" we look at why the course of the River Leen has been altered so dramatically over the centuries, the industries responsible for the changes and the river's links to Watnall Hall...  

Today's River Leen follows precious little of its original course. It's been radically re-routed on a number of occasions, subjugated and "improved" firstly by the inaugural Sheriff of Nottingham William Peverel² just after the Norman Conquest to power his mills and provide water to his new castle and by then various canal, flood, railway and sewerage engineers since. The map below shows its various routes over the years from Lenton to the Trent. Even upstream as far as Bulwell most of its original lazy meanders and u-bends are now as straight as Robin Hood's arrow...

The distance from the Leen's source in the Robin Hood Hills to its confluence with the Trent is not more than ten miles as the crow flies... "Perhaps no other stream of equal size attracted so much attention as did the Leen in mediaeval days. It formed the western boundary of the King's great Forest of Nottingham or "Shirewood"; it fed the "fish-stews" and supplied the domestic needs of two important monasteries at Newstead and Lenton and a Royal Castle [Nottingham]". It powered the mills of Nottingham's early Industrial Revolution but suffered the dirty consequences in later years and in 1615 Watnall Hall's Rolleston family provided the land that Bulwell Forge was built on, the Leen's first heavy industry.

The River Leen meets the Trent - before and after
The River Leen originally met the Trent at Wilford, shown here as a fisherman's rural idyll in 1840 and below that as today's not so lovely culverted drainage outflow which emerges a little further downstream by Wilford Bridge. In 1880 it even flowed under the goal posts at Notts County's future football ground at Meadow Lane, two miles to the east of its original route. 

1840 - shows where the original Leen flowed into a shallower River Trent opposite Wilford village.
Below - The 20th century Leen outflows into the Trent just downstream near Wilford bridge.
In the 1950's the scene from above looked quite different  with the massive 
Clifton Power Station and Colliery occupying the site.
At this time it outflowed miles to the east near Meadow Lane.

Wilford Church and Clifton power station. The outlet of the today's Tottle Brook
can be seen opposite the church in roughly the same area as the top painting.
The painting's outlet once was the River Leen in pre-Norman times. 

Today's Leen outflows a little further downstream near Wilford Bridge

Old maps show many courses for the "old River Leen" with numerous natural U-bends, wiggles, curves and meanders as the river makes its lazy way from its source near Annesley, down through Newstead Abbey and onto Bulwell, Basford and old Lenton (whose name comes from the river, "Leen town"). Here it once lapped at the feet of the now vanished Lenton Priory, Nottingham's largest, wealthiest and most powerful monastery. 

Red - the Leen's original course from Lenton via Kings Meadows to Wilford
Dashed red - another contender. Old boundaries follow this river-like channel
Green - the Sheriff of Nottingham's Norman channel goes east below the castle c.1067
Purple - engineers diverted it again when it got in the way of canal works c.1865
Orange - today's new concrete reinforced culvert to Wilford bridge c.1960
Thin Blue - the Nottingham Canal built in 1792
Thick Blue at the bottom - the river Trent

Modern maps by contrast show an arrow-straight, culverted course reinforced with concrete which only matches the old course at bridges, as these are more difficult to "engineer" out of the way. There are few natural habitat features (such as backwaters, wood overhangs, gravel bars, or berms) all of which would be valuable habitats for fish and wildlife. The second picture shows today's River Leen outflow from a 1960's concrete culvert which takes the river along an altogether different route to the Trent by Wilford Bridge.
1767 - the first accurate map survey of the River Leen by Peter Perez Burdett
shows the river still flowing as diverted by Peverel and the Normans
700 years before and prior to the 18th century canal interference with its course.

The Sheriff's Intervention
The River Leen's first and most dramatic diversion came soon after the Norman Conquest in 1066 and was carried out by the man thought to be the very first Sheriff of Nottingham, William Peverel. The book "History and Antiquities of Nottingham" published in 1840 takes up the story... 
"Soon after the conquest, when William de Peverel, natural son of the Conqueror [a dubious historical claim], was Lord of the Manor and Castle of Nottingham, he caused an artificial channel to be cut, into which he diverted the river, from Lenton eastward; and for the convenience of the garrison, caused it to pass close by the Castle, and hence forward, pursuing an easterly direction from the south side of the town, which is its present course."  The Leen was used for drinking water and to power the complex of "King's mills" in Brewhouse Yard⁵. 

Medieval Nottingham Castle with the
diverted River Leen at the foot of Castle Rock

These Norman works and subsequent 18th century canals and various sewerage and flood prevention works altered the original course of the Leen fundamentally, diverting it eastwards from Lenton under Castle Rock towards the East Croft following alongside the Nottingham canal and the Tinkers Leen which was a drainage channel. 

1828 - shows the Nottingham canal and
what appears to be the culverted Tinker's Leen to the right
The Original Course of the River Leen 
This is described in several old Sherwood Forest boundary documents. The course in the year 1232 is described here in an 1840 history guide to Nottingham written when the original course of the Leen was still visible...
"The following extract, taken from a document recording the perambulation of the Forest of Sherwood, in the sixteenth year of Henry III. successor of King John, in the year of our Lord 1232. "The boundaries of the forest came down, according to the course of the Leen, to Lenton, and from thence southward, as the same water was wont of old times to run, into the water of the Trent." Which proves the course of the Leen to have been altered; indeed, the ancient channel remains to this day [1840], and joins the Trent opposite Wilford Church."

An even more detailed account of the forest boundary³ from 1589 says there are 3 old courses of the Leen running south from Lenton to Wilford... "from Trent Bridge up the Trent through Wilford Pasture to where the old course of the Leen falls into the Trent, directly against Wilford Church. (There are three courses of the old Leen, two entering the Trent in one stream directly over against the church; but the most westward of the three courses is the old Leen). So from the Trent up through Wilford Beast Pasture and Wilford Meadows to a ditch and hedge going S. from the old Leene towards the Trent; then between Lenton Holmes (S.W.) and Wilford Meadows (N.E.); and so to Willowholme, leaving it on the E. and there the highway from Wilford to Lenton is on the W, then on the Leene, crossing over the highway at the South end of Wilford Hawe which leads from Wilford to Lenton; so in the right course of the Leene on the W. side of Lenton Abbey Milne"

It is tricky to pick out which of the various drainage channels shown on old 1880 maps of Kings Meadows was the course of the old Leen. Two certainly look more river-like with meanders and river features compared to the other straighter channels. One runs in a curve to the east (shown red on the map), the other takes a more direct southerly route and joins today's Tottle Brook further to the west. The Tottle (or "Tuttle") Brook joined this original course of the "Leene" just before it met the Trent at Wilford but exactly where is still unclear. The railways embankments built from 1839 don't help us trace the old course either and post WW2, clay pits and mining obliterated all traces.
Looking at local boundary markings on maps also shows another possible original course (shown dashed red on our map) that curves east then back west and incorporates a larger section of what today is marked as Tottle Brook but which originally may well have been a section of the Leen. Boundaries often persist even when the original watercourse is diverted as can be seen on upper sections of another local river, the Erewash. Further Sherwood Forest perambulations confirm the old Leen's route as somewhere between the two meadows... 
"In a perambulation of the boundaries of Sherwood Forest in 1505, the officers started from the King's Castell att Nottingham, "and then by the Ould Trentt to the oulde corse of the watter of Leene (which is the bound between the King's medows and the medow of Wilford)"... "The Wilford Meadow was the land west of what we call Wilford Boad, now the Colliery district, and south of "The King's Meadow".
Another Victorian account mentions one old course still visible to the west of Trent Lane (today's Lenton Lane) and this too can perhaps be made out on the 1880 map albeit a lot straighter than the other candidates. So perhaps it was an old drainage ditch mistaken for the old river course. 

1849 - train crossing Kings Meadows approaching Nottingham.
The line of trees in the middle ground could well be
along the river bank of the original course of the Leen.

The Nottingham Canal
The next dramatic intervention came in 1792 when the Nottingham Canal was built. Work began on 30 July 1792. Since Norman times the River Leen had run along the southern edge of the city between Lenton in the west and Leen Bridge, a series of flood arches to the east. The river bed was enlarged to form the canal, while the river was diverted into a new covered channel further to the north under Canal Street which emerged in East Croft before turning south towards Meadow Lane. The flood arches were replaced by a new bridge, and the canal turned sharply to the south, to join the Trent. The waters of the new canal and the diverted river were kept separate.

1832 - JMW Turner's painting of the canal running under Nottingham Castle.
It used the bed of the old River Leen which was diverted north and piped under Canal Street.
It is quite allegorical with nods to Lord Byron (the Greek flag on a mast)
and the fires burning by the castle (the 1831 Reform Bill riots)
1880 - The wide Nottingham Canal with the thinner and re-routed River Leen above.
This course of the River Leen continued to run from Lenton to the Castle Rock and beyond until 1883
when it was diverted into the canal to make room for the creation of Castle Boulevard.

1722 - The River Leen is shown here TC Hine's re-drawing of the Nottingham Park
rock houses or "druidical remains" as they were marked as on older maps.
Based on a previous illustration by Dr. William.Stuckeley⁴.

1806 - engraving from the pages of the book "Memoirs of the Life of Colonel Hutchinson"
 a biography of the governor of Nottingham Castle during the Civil War

1795 - an engraving from an earlier Turner painting

c.1865 this remarkable early photograph of the castle shows the Leen/canal
flowing right at the foot of Castle Rock. The castle is a derelict burnt out shell after being 
torched by rioters in the 1831 Reform Act protests.

1880 map superimposed with a modern satellite map
showing another old course of the Leen flowing around 
the future location of Notts County's football stadium (built in 1915),
directly under the goal posts and straight down Meadow Lane!

1973 - The point where the Leen joined the River Trent prior to 1967
(after which time it was routed to the new Wilford Bridge outfall).
To the rear is the Notts County Football club ground on Meadow Lane.
Courtesy of Picture Nottingham/Reg Baker

2024 - the River Leen nowadays goes down a concrete reinforced
culvert to its outfall into the Trent just above Wilford Bridge

The same stretch of the Trent looking from Wilford Bridge 
towards where today's outfall is. Clifton colliery flooded in  March 1947. Pictured is
Colliery Road at the side of Wilford Power  Station and
Clifton colliery – now Riverside Retail

1960's - cooling-off in the Nottingham Canal, just off Wilford Street.

Watnall Hall and the Leen - Bad Blood with the Byrons

Sir John Byron's Bulwell Forge, one of Nottingham's first heavy industries (see "Old Industies on the Leen" below), was built on land rented from Lancelot Rolleston of Watnall Hall under the following agreement from 1st April, 1615...

"Lancelot Rolleston of Watnall-Chaworth to Sir John Byron the Younger of Builwell Parke.
LEASE for 21 years of Broome Hill in Hucknall Torkard at a rent of £6 per annum... and if the forge called Bulwell Forge and now used and imployed for the makinge and fininge of Iron do at anie time hereafter decaie and be laide downe and not used for the makinge of iron it shall be lawful for the said Lancelot Rolleston to re-enter the said close and have the same... "

He was in a dispute with Byron in 1618 over an illegal dam above Sir John's ironworks (probably the forge) for which he was eventually compensated. There had been bad blood between them for a few years and with good cause. In Feb 1604, a dispute was taken to the Star Chamber in London by George Chaworth and Edward Rolleston (Lancelot's brother), against Sir John Byron the elder and Sir John Byron his son who were their neighbours in Oxton. Chaworth & Rolleston claimed that the Byrons and others by force of arms held a church official's house in Oxton and appropriated the tithe crops and other produce, also that Edward Rolleston was assaulted with a long pike being thrust to his stomach. He obviously survived the attack if he was taking legal action. Lancelot 1 died in 1625. 

Old Industries on the Leen

Iron working - Bulwell Forge - The geology and rocks of the Leen valley allowed the quarrying of building stone; lime-burning; and the smelting of iron stone. The river was harnessed to give power to Bulwell's mighty Forge Mill, described in the late 17th century by Thomas Baskerville...  

"From Nottingham to Mansfield is accounted 12 miles: the way leads through Shirwood Forest, by a forge driven by water, where with weighty hammers, bigger than men can handle (which) knock or beat out long bars of iron when they are made red hot in that great forge or fire blown up by those mighty bellows; in these dams or pools of water that forge the iron are great store of trout."

Charcoal - Baskerville continues his narrative with the forest charcoal industry that the Bulwell Forge would have relied upon... "A gentleman that was in the inn at Mansfield where I lay, told me he had, with angling, taken 50 trout in a day. As we rode through this forest we saw many old decayed oaks of which abundance were cut down by the Duke of Newcastle's order to make charcoal. They told me one Mr. Jennings was the chief master or overseer of these charcoal works.”

This forge appears to have been operating as late as 1751, when "the iron manufacture is shifted from hence."

"Weighty hammers"... Joseph Wright of Derby's "An Iron Forge" 1772

Willow basket weaving - Many years ago there would have been cracked willow trees all along the canal. All villages used to have willow beds because the wood was used for basket making. It was the only carrying facility of its time - there were no plastic or woven bags to carry your groceries in. The willow was a quick growing tree and a one year old tree could be used for wicker work. This was a key industry right up until World War Two. Nottinghamshire grew some of the finest willow in the country. It was so good that Queen Victoria came to Nottingham for her baskets. William Scaling, a Basford willow crafter, was the man who had the royal seal of approval.

Mills - on the Leen's banks stood a succession of mills, at one time numbering more than 20; for although the fall of the valley is gentle, the volume of the flow is sufficient to turn a 'breast-wheel' or an 'undershot' mill-wheel. Initially these mills were chiefly used for grinding corn. In the 18th century when the linen and cotton industry flourished in this district, many old corn mills were converted into cotton mills, and new mills were established in villages such as Papplewick. The advent of steam-power wrought great changes, in 1785 James Watt set up the first steam engine at Papplewick, built by him for the Robinsons. This was the first steam powered engine in the world to power a cotton mill. As a consequence the mill-ponds and races became neglected; the mill-wheels, save in one or two instances, ceased to revolve, and the buildings were either pulled down or converted to other uses. 

Dyeing and bleaching - "the lower half of the Leen skirts the ragged edges of the city of Nottingham, and for many years in the past the stream was polluted and befouled with refuse from numerous bleach-yards and dye-works. Although the stream now has recovered its former clearness". (Harry Gill 1916) 

Tanning - in 1395 borough records blame leather tanners for polluting the River Leen by laying their skins in the water “to the great detriment of the whole people aforesaid". The leather tanning process uses some very obnoxious chemicals that have to be applied to then washed out of the animal skins being tanned. The proximity of Sherwood Forest was useful as tree bark is used in tanning too.

Celery - The defeated French general Marshal Tallard (he'd lost at the Battle of Blenheim to the Duke of Marlborough) lived in Nottingham under parole but, far from being a prisoner, he endeared himself to the locals. He allegedly taught women to make white bread and popularised the eating of celery. He loved the vegetable while in France but no one in Britain knew what it was used for. That soon changed when he discovered celery growing in the wild marshes at Lenton.

Sewerage - in the 19th century, before the Nottingham Corporation's water engineer Mr. Marriot Ogle Tarbotton built his Victorian state-of-the-art sewerage treatment works, the Leen was effectively an open sewer. The growing villages along its banks discharged domestic and industrial waste directly and untreated into it¹.

Small River, Big Influence

Village names - One mile from the Leen's source, the stream entered the demesne of a monastery of Royal foundation, the Augustinian Priory of Newstead. Issuing from there, and passing Papplewick on the left bank and Linby (Leen-by) on the right bank, it reaches the ancient Forge mill about midway between Hucknall and Bulwell, when it becomes the northern boundary of the extended city of Nottingham. 

On the banks of this lower half of the stream, situated about equidistance from each other, were four 'villages' which are now merged into the suburbs of Greater Nottingham. Each of these villages derived its name from its contiguity to the stream. Bulwell: from the 'bulling' or 'bubbling' well which issues from the Bunter Sandstone on the 'forest waste' to join the waters of Leen. Basford: either the ford near the home of Bassa (Bassa's ford) or 'le bas ford' the lower ford. Radford or (Rede ford): from the fact of the red sandstone in the banks; and Lenton: (Leen-ton)

Beyond Lenton the original course ran through the meadows southward to its confluence with the Trent at Wilford, until in due time the first artificial channel was made for it to turn eastward in order to bring a supply of water to the Town and Castle of Nottingham. In the loop possibly formed by this deviation, and within view of the Castle, a great Priory of the Cluniac Order, Lenton Priory was built by William Peverel (c.1105.) the Norman lord of the district and as we saw above, the first Sheriff of Nottingham. 

Lenton Priory - once Nottingham's most powerful monastery, it was as large
as Southwell Minster and stood on the banks of the old River Leen 
opposite today's Queen's Medical Centre.

The River Leen flowing in front of Basford's St Leodegarius Church. 
The same view today (below) has railways, tram tracks and road bridges in the picture.
The river Leen is tucked away in a culvert on the other side of the tracks.


River Leen Wiki

Lenton Times -

Notts History -

Harry Gill, Notes on the Leen and the buildings on its banks, including the churches of Lenton, Radford, Old Basford and Bulwell, Transactions of the Thoroton Society, 20 (1916)

Tarbolton's sewerage report to the Nottingham Corporation 1875 -

History and antiquities of Nottingham, Volume 1 By James Orange 1840 -

This 1880 map reveals several old routes of the Leen in blue from Lenton to Wilford and via Castle Rock to East Croft and Meadow Lane...

Leen Health, Springs and Syphon -

Castle -

Turner in Nottingham -


1 - Sewerage and the Leen - The population in Nottingham increased rapidly in the 19th century. Large numbers of terraced houses and tenement courts were built with shared privies or outdoor closets, the contents of which were removed by ‘night-soil’ men. When water closets were introduced after about 1850, these effectively drained effluents into the river Leen, already contaminated by discharges from tanning works and from local dyeing and bleaching factories. To control the situation, the Leen Valley Sewage Board was established in 1872 and Marriott Ogle Tarbotton was appointed to devise a scheme to dispose of sewage. In 1874 the Nottingham Corporation leased land at Stoke Bardolph for use as a ‘sewage farm’. Open channels were dug from the city and in 1880 raw sewage started to flow, to be spread on the land at Stoke Bardolph. The liquid percolated through the soil and gravel into pre-dug drains, finding its way into the river Trent. Solid matter that remained on the surface was left to dry and later ploughed-in, creating fertile land on which a wide variety of crops were grown.

Workers’ cottages were built at the sewage farm in the 1880s, together with stabling for the horses working on the farm. Cowsheds, a dairy, pigsties, cart sheds, granaries and hay lofts were added, and a school was built in the village. By 1900, so much land was being flooded with sewage that it was decided to extend the farm. Additional land was leased, and a new ‘model’ farm was built at Bulcote, together with additional cottages.

It was recorded in 1910 the estate was home to 777 cattle, 724 sheep and 649 pigs, 141 horses and 100 men. Steam tractors and ploughing engines were in use and crops were grown for animal feed, with additional amounts brought in by river and train. The large labour force, together with their families, formed close-knit communities, very much involved in social functions such as dances and major events like Harvest Home.

As the years passed, the growth of Nottingham increased the volume of sewage arriving at the site, necessitating improvements in sewage processing. In the 1930s screens were installed to remove solids, with pumping facilities distributing the sludge to prepared lagoons through buried pipes. Sludge digesters were incorporated by 1960 and the resulting sludge gas was used to generate electricity. In 1974 responsibility for sewage disposal was transferred from local authorities to the newly formed Severn Trent Water Authority.

Major changes were introduced and in 1983 the lagoon system was replaced by the injection of the sludge directly into the ground, thus releasing more land for growing crops. The legacy of more than a hundred years of depositing sewage and effluents on the land meant that the ground was contaminated and rendered unsuitable for growing crops intended for human consumption. Wheat was sent to be converted into biofuel, and rapeseed was sent to be made into plastic bags. The maize grown could be processed for fodder for the dairy herd as the milk was not affected by any contamination. In 2012 the dairy herd was sold, and all the land has since been devoted to energy crops such as maize, rye and energy beet. The processed crops are fed into a digester which generates methane gas. This, together with the gas from the sludge digester, is either burnt to produce electricity or fed into the gas-grid. Together with the electricity produced from the wind turbine built in 2015, more than enough energy is generated to run the entire plant, the excess being fed into the electricity grid.

Nowadays, few workers are directly employed on the farms as work is carried out by contractors. The sewage works is an impressive modern plant, the farm buildings are reminders of a bygone age.

2 - William Peverel's dubious history...

The Mystery of William Peverell - The Dubious Origins of Lenton's Norman Knight Explored
The keep of Peveril Castle, Castleton. Photograph by Darren Copley from

William Peverell, the first Norman lord of Lenton and founder of ill-fated Lenton Priory - is an interesting and controversial character. Everything about him, from his presence on the field at Hastings to his allegedly illustrious yet illegitimate parentage is shrouded in mystery and mediaeval propaganda. Unpicking the truth from the fictions this long after his death is a difficult task - but the stories told about him reveal much about the mind-set prevalent in England in general and Lenton in particular in the turbulent years following the Norman Conquest.

Son of a Saxon Princess
Peverell was born in around 1040, although the exact date of his birth (like so much about his life) remains a mystery. His mother was an Anglo-Saxon princess of some prominence named Althelida Ingelric - a name later Normanised to 'Maud Ingelrica'. Her own father - William's grandfather - was Prince Ingelric, the Earl of Essex, who may have been a son of King Æthelred the Unready. At some point in her youth she travelled to Normandy, before returning to Essex around 1072 to marry a Norman nobleman named Ranulph Peverell. Keen observers will have noted that by the time she thus bestowed the surname 'Peverell' upon her family, William Peverell was undoubtedly already a grown man. Who, therefore, was his father? This is just one of the juicy mysteries surrounding Peverell, and one which would give his later tenants in Lenton much illicit speculative joy.

Alleged Role at the Battle of Hastings
Given his mother's ancestry, William was clearly as much an Englishman as he was a Norman - yet he fought with William the Conqueror at the Battle of Hastings. Or, at least, it is assumed that he did. Certainly he is listed in the Battle Abbey Roll, in which Peverell (or 'Peuerell') is given a newly built castle "on the site of the old Danish fort that had previously crested 'the dolorous rock' overhanging the River Lean". However, the Roll itself is of dubious authenticity. The original was supposed to have been a list of those knights who had fought with Duke William, kept in the Abbey at Battle. However, the original has been lost for around five hundred years, and modern historians are reliant on somewhat untrustworthy 'copies'. It is asserted that monks copying the document may have inserted the names of their own patrons in order to lend their monastic houses a grander mythos. E.A. Freeman dismissed the entire Roll as "transparent fiction", and other historian have agreed with his assessment. Nonetheless, the Roll and empirical evidence remain all we have to go on regarding Peverell's involvement in the Norman Conquest. Certainly he would have been of an age to join William the Conqueror's knights in their 1066 assault upon England, and William's later generosity to Peverell does perhaps indicate the kind of land-gift based gratitude which was commonly received by Conquest knights in recognition of deeds wrought on the battlefield.

Unprecedented Ducal Generosity
However, Duke William does seem to have been uncommonly generous to Peverell. The 1086 Domesday Book records him as holding a staggering 162 English manors - although he was resident largely at Lenton. The 1086 Domesday entry for Lenton describes him both as Lord and 'Tenant in chief', making him undoubtedly the lynchpin around which life in Lenton at that point would have revolved. Effectively, Peverell owned the village - and many more besides. Anyone with the resources to do so can easily find evidence of his manorial influence over England. The number of location names involving 'Peverell' in Britain is testament to the vast swathes of the nation which he and his descendants took hold of. Sampford Peverell, Hatfield Peverell, or just plain old Peverell are but a few examples which take their names directly from the illustrious William. This generosity did not go unnoticed. It was not long before subversive tongues began to wag. The discrepancy in years between his birth and his mother's marriage to Ranulph, Althelida's sojourn in Normandy, Duke William's generosity towards the peasants of Lenton, it all began to add up to one salacious conclusion: William Peverell was the illegitimate son of William the Conqueror.

Salacious Speculation
This is not a conclusion which can be supported by any historical evidence whatsoever. That William was illegitimate seems likely, given that he took on the surname of a man who was obviously his stepfather. It is also true that sons were often given the same first name as their fathers. However, it was common practice in Anglo-Norman culture (to which Peverell most affirmably belonged) to give the illegitimate offspring of royal princes their father's name with the prefix 'Fitz' as a surname - which would have rendered William Peverell William Fitzwilliam instead. Royal illegitimacy was not something to be particularly ashamed of - the Conqueror himself was the illegitimate son of Duke Robert of Normandy and a tanner's daughter. He was frequently mocked for being the grandson of a tanner, and would brook no mention of this fact. Indeed, during the siege of Alencon, citizens of the city taunted him by waving skins over the city walls to remind him of his humble origins. Upon capturing the city, William's vengeance was characteristically ferocious - "...when William took the fortress, he had all those who had mocked him brought before him, and then he had their hands and feet cut off". However, his illegitimacy appears to have had little impact upon his career - he was known to his contemporaries as 'William the Bastard' which, while it may have rankled a little, never cost anyone their extremities.

Bolsover Castle, Derbyshire. Photograph courtesy of

Interesting Times
William Peverell's parentage thus remains one of the great unknowns about him. While Duke William certainly showed him a disproportionate amount of favour, there is little evidence to suggest that the rumours about his parentage were true. It is entirely possible that the Conqueror had other motives for his generosity - some claim that Althelida was his cousin, and family ties drew the two Williams together. Certainly Duke William was also quite generous towards Althelida's legitimate son, Ranulph. Whatever the truth of the matter, gleeful speculation into the illegitimacy or otherwise of their overlords would have allowed the people of Lenton an outlet for the frustrations and uncertainty they must have felt during those turbulent, changeable, and scary times following the Conquest - during which their entire world changed forever.

A Lasting Legacy
Peverell was an inveterate castle builder - perhaps fearing rebellion from the peoples whose lands he had been granted. Many of his castles - or remnants thereof - can still be seen today. Nottingham Castle, although largely now a 17th century rebuild of Peverell's original, still retains many aspects of the mediaeval castle (which would, of course, have been the very castle around which many of Robin Hood's adventures purportedly took place). Bolsover Castle in Derbyshire eventually came the family seat of the Peverell family. Once this was a mighty and intimidating fortress - although it has long since softened into a respectable lordly home. Peveril Castle in the Peak District - named for its founder - is a haunting and atmospheric ruin worth visiting by all with a yen for a romantic ruin. And these are just a few of Peverell's castles. He was also responsible for Codnor Castle and Langar Hall. Those wishing to get close to this enigmatic man and his legacy to the modern world are, therefore, somewhat spoiled for choice!
Article written by Emma Bell - 2014

3 - Sherwood Forest boundary perambulation 1589 from Nottinghamshire Archives, 157 DD/P - Portland of Welbeck (1st deposit): Deeds and Estate Papers NOTTINGHAMSHIRE 157 DD/P/27 - SHERWOOD FOREST
... "from Trent Bridge up the Trent through Wilford Pasture to where the old course of the Leen falls into the Trent, directly against Wilford Church. (There are three courses of the old Leen, two entering the Trent in one stream directly over against the church; but the most westward of the three courses is the old Leen). So from the Trent up through Wilford Beast Pasture and Wilford Meadows to a ditch and hedge going S. from the old Leene towards the Trent; then between Lenton Holmes (S.W.) and Wilford Meadows (N.E.); and so to Willowholme, leaving it on the E. and there the highway from Wilford to Lenton is on the W, then on the Leene, crossing over the highway at the South end of Wilford Hawe which leads from Wilford to Lenton; so in the right course of the Leene on the W. side of Lenton Abbey Milne; thence up to the Buttery Milne; on to a mill at the N. end of Lenton; on to Radford Milne; on to Allen Milne; on to Bobbers Milne; on to Lovett Milne; on to Yelland Hall where there is a mill; thence to Basford where the stream is turned from its old course to serve a mill there (i.e. turned from its old course at a place called the Old Carr and returning to it a little below Basford Church which is on the W. of the river); so from Basford to Bulwell;"

1539 - A perambulation made this year of the Forest of Sherwood, describes part of the river Leen as being an ancient watercourse from Lenton to the river Trent, and as being the boundaxy between the King's Meadows and Wilford.

4 - Rock Houses on the Leen
UON Rambling around rock holes
Notts Hidden History

5 - The King's mills in Brewhouse Yard
The castle or king’s mills, a complex comprising a mill house, 5 mills (called Sparrow, Swallow, Doune, Dosse and Gloffin the early 14th century), a mill pond, and several sluices and quays, all lay within a palisaded enclosure. A ditch, probably an extension of the Outer Bailey ditch, lay between the enclosure and the foot of the castle rock. There is no evidence that Nottingham townspeople had to bring their corn to this mill for grinding. The mills were a source of revenue and were at times leased to keepers who had to keep them in repair. Associated with the mills was a fishery, which may have included fish-weirs in the Trent at Wilford. A tithe of its profits went to Lenton Priory and a tithe of the mills to the chaplain of the great chapel. The mills were first recorded in the mid 12th century and during the 13th and 14th centuries repairs were a constant and expensive item of the building accounts; they were completely rebuilt on three occasions during the reign of Henry HI. The most common expenditures were for rods and poles, to revet watercourses and to manufacture hurdles for fish-weirs; apple wood was used for gear wheels; small quantities of stone were used, possibly for watercourses and sluices. It is probable that some or all of the mills were built of stone; over 40 cart loads were removed in 1564-5 to repair Trent Bridge, but at least one mill continued into the 17th century.!?> It is believed that the Leen was diverted by William Peveril in the 11th century to drive the mills. In 1367 the constable investigated and removed obstructions from the Leen, which had prevented the mills from grinding, ‘to the great damage and expense of the King ... and the people of those parts’. At some date prior to the early 13th century additional water was brought in a leat from the Trent at Wilford. This leat may have been constructed in the late 11th century, when Domesday Book recorded that the men of Nottingham were denied their customary fishing in the Trent. In the early 14th century repair or rebuilding of the leat aroused complaints that the keepers of the castle ‘had made trenches and dykes through the meadows of Wilford ... and caused the water of Trent to be diverted out of its rightful and ancient course, by reason whereof the land is flooded by inundation ... because the mills of the castle are unable to grind without the course of the river Trent.

Medieval water mill and fish traps
