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John Scott¹, Sheriff of Kent swore an early version of the oath of office in 1460. |
One Sheriff or two?
Confusingly there are two separate Sheriffs:
- "Sheriff of Nottingham" established 1449 by charter of Henry VI
- "High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire" established c.1068 when William Peverel was considered to be the first one. He was actually "High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and the Royal Forests" a combined role that lasted until 1556.
The Sheriff of Nottingham is best known as Robin Hood's arch enemy and bad King John's ally but the role goes back to Norman times. The word sheriff is a contraction of the Saxon term shire reeve. The term, from the Old English scīrgerefa, designated a royal official responsible for keeping the peace (a reeve) throughout a shire or county on behalf of the king. Every county in England had a Sheriff (or sometimes two).
A new Sheriff is appointed every year and the role is still alive and well today although it is now mainly ceremonial. The outgoing Sheriff of Nottingham for 2022/23 is Councillor Nicola Heaton, but Shuguftah Quddoos was elected Sheriff on May 24, 2023. Sheriff Quddoos, shown here on the left, will be the first Asian woman to hold the position³. This year's High Sheriff is Veronica Moraa Pickering MBS DL is the first woman of colour³ and the first Kenyan to hold the historic role. A full list of all the many sheriffs to hold office is in the notes below. In the long history of the two roles, there have been 1,654 different appointments as Sheriff although some have held the office more than once.
Keeping the traditional role alive at the Sherwood Forest Visitors Centre in Edwinstowe is Richard Townsley, acting Sheriff of Nottingham in and around the forest. Richard also runs the Sheriff of Nottingham Facebook page⁶ and writes informative and well-researched articles on all aspects of medieval forest life.
Today's Sheriff(s) swear an oath little changed from the medieval oath of office shown below. It is from the reign of Henry VI in 1460 as administered to John Scott¹, Sheriff of Kent. It includes clauses relating to :
- treating rich and poor equally and not accepting bribes, which had been at the heart of the oath since the role of sheriff began. (Robin Hood may have had something to say about that!)
- people's legal rights - it restrains the sheriff from interfering with a person's rights "Yee shall disturb no man’s Right"
- administering writs and enrolling juries. This had the most scope for confusion and corruption with juries often being made up of the sheriff's cronies.
- employment of good and proper subordinates which was essential to the operation of the county and the onus was on the sheriff to ensure they were appropriate people for the job and duly sworn.
- in common with JPs and other local officials the sheriff was required to aid the ecclesiastical courts in the investigation and suppression of heresies.
Earlier versions of the oath could be amended by parliamentary petition. For example, in 1302 the justice of the jail at Newgate in London was added to the list of officials authorised to send the Sheriff a writ⁵.
The Sheriff's Oath from 1460 (with translation below)
- Ye schal serve the Kyng well and truly in the Office of the Shiref of ............. [Nottingham] and to the Kynges profyte, in all thyng that belongyth to you to do by wey of youre offyce, as ferforth as ye cann or may.
- Ye shall truly kepe the Kynges ryghtes and all that that belongyth to the coroun.
- Ye schall not assent to decrease, to lass[en]yng, or to concelement of the Kynges ryghtes, or of his fraunchises; and wherewer ye schall have knowlage that the Kynges rightes or the rightes of the coroun be conceled or withdrawen, be hyt in londes, rentes, fraunchises, or sutes, or ony other thynges, ye schall do youre power to make hem be restored to the Kyng; ayen and yf ye may not do hyt, ye schall certifye the Kyng or sum of hys counsell therof, such as ye hold for certen wyll sey hyt unto the Kyng.
- Ye schall not respite the Kynges dettes for any yeft or favour, wherever ye may reyse them without grete grevaunce of the dettours.
- Ye shall truly and ryghtwosly trete the people of youre shirefweke, and do right as well to pouer as to rych in that that belongyth to yowre offyce.
- Ye schall do no wrong to any man for any yeft, or good beheste, or promyse of good, nor favour, nor hate.
- Ye schall distourble no mannys ryght.
- Ye schall truly acquite at the Eschequer all tho of whom ye schall any thynge reseeyve of the Kynges dettes.
- Ye schall no thyng take whereby the Kyng may lese, or whereby that ryght may be distourbled, letted, or the Kynges dettes delaiol.
- Ye schall truly retourn and truly serve all the Kynges writtez asforforth as hyt schall be in youre kynnyng
- Ye schall none have to be yowre Undyrshireff, or any of youre Sherifs clerkes, of the last yer passed.
- Ye schall take no Bailiff in to youre service but suche as ye wull answer for.
- Ye shall make eche of youre Bailiffes to make such othe as ye make yowre selfe, in that that belongyth to their occupacion.
- Ye schall reseeyve no writte by yow, or by any of yours, unsealyd, under the seal of any Justyce save of Justyce in Eyre, or Justyce assigned in the same Shire wher ye be Shiref yn, or of Justyce of Neugate.
- Ye schall make your Bailiffes of the true and suffyciant men in the countre.
Also ye shall doo all youre payne and diligence to destroye and make to cees all manner herysics, and errours comenly called herisies, wythyn youre baillifwyke from tyme to tyme to all youre power, and assist and to be helpyng to all the Ordenaryes and Commyssaryes of Holy Chyrch, and favour and maynten theym as oft tymes as ye schall be required bi the seyd Ordenaries or Commissaries.
- Ye schall be dwellyng yn youre propre person withyn youre baillifwyke for the tyme ye shall be in the same Offyce.
- Ye shall not let youre shirefweke or any baillifwyke ther of to ferme to any man.
- Ye shall truly set and retorne resonable and due issues of them that be wythyn youre baillifwyke, after there estate or theire havour, and make youre panels youre self. And overthis in eschuying and restreynte of the manslaughters, roberies, and other many fold grevous offenses that be doyen dayly, namly by suche as name themeself sodyours and by other vagrantes, the wych contynually encrese in noumber and multitude, so that the Kynges true subgettes may not suerly ryde nor goo to do suche thyngs as they have. to do, to theire intollerable hurt and hyndryng.
- Ye shall truly and effectually, with all diligence possible to you, execute the statutes the which ye shall have knolage of.
- These thynges all ye shall truly kepe as God help you and hys Seyntes.
Source : Literae Cantuarienses, ed. J. B. Sheppard, 3 vols (RS, 1887-89), vol. 3, pp. 235-7 [English]
- You shall serve the king well and truly in the office of the sheriff of .......... [Nottingham] and to the king's profit in everything that your office requires you to do as completely as you can or may.
- You shall truly keep the king's rights and all that pertains to the crown.
- You shall not assent to the decrease, lessening or concealment of the king's rights or of his franchises and wherever you shall have information that the king's rights or the rights of the crown are concealed or withdrawn, be it in lands, rents, franchises, or suits or any other things, you shall do your best to restore them to the king; and if you cannot do it, you shall certify the king or someone of his council concerning the matter, such persons as you trust will pass it on to the king.
- You shall not respite the king's debts for any gift or favour wherever you may raise them without great grievance to the debtors.
- You shall truly and justly treat the people of your shrievalty and do right equally to the poor as to the rich in that which your office requires.
- You shall not wrong a man in return for any gift or bribe or promise of wealth, nor for favour, nor out of hate.
- You shall not disturb any man's right.
- You shall truly acquit at the exchequer all those from whom you receive anything in the way of the king's debts.
- You shall take nothing through which the king may lose or on account of which right may be disturbed, hindered, or the king's debts delayed.
- You shall truly return and truly serve all the king's writs as completely as you can.
- You shall not have as your undersheriff or as any of your sheriff's clerks those who have served as such during the previous year.
- You shall not take any bailiff into your service except those that you are prepared to answer for.
- You shall make each one of your bailiffs take an oath such as the one you take yourself in everything that pertains to their employment.
- You shall not accept any writ for you or for any of your staff unsealed under the seal of any justice except for justices in Eyre, or assize justices in the same shire that you are sheriff or justices of Newgate.
- You shall appoint your bailiffs from the true and sufficient men of the county.
- Also you shall take great pains and diligence to destroy and cause to cease all manner of heresies and errors commonly called heresies within your bailiwick from time to time, or whenever you are required to by the said ordinaries and commissaries, to the extent of your power and assist and aid all ordinaries and commissaries of holy church and favour and maintain them.
- You shall dwell in your own right proper person within your bailiwick during your period of office.
- You shall not let out your shrievalty or any bailiwick for any man to farm.
- You shall truly set and return reasonable and due issues from those that are within your bailiwick according to their estate or behaviour and appoint your jury panels yourself. And above all in eschewing and restraint of manslaughters, robberies and other many serious offences that are committed daily, namely by such as call themselves soldiers and by other vagrants, which continually increase in number and multitude so the king’s true subjects may not safely ride or go to do such things as they have to do to their intolerable hurt and hindrance.
- You shall truly and adequately with all possible diligence execute the statutes which you know of.
- All these things you shall truly keep as God help you and his Saints.
Source: English Historical Documents Vol 4 [Late medieval] 1327 - 1485
The modern oath as sworn by the current High Sheriff of Derbyshire is shown below and contains much the same:
I, ……………………, of……………………………..in the county of Derbyshire, do solemnly declare that I will well and truly serve the King’s Majesty in the Office of Sheriff of the county of Derbyshire and promote His Majesty’s profit in all things that belong to my Office as far as I legally can or may;
I will truly preserve the King’s rights and all that belongeth to the Crown;
I will not assent to decrease, lesson or conceal the rights of the King; and whenever I shall have knowledge that the rights of the Crown are concealed or withdrawn in any matter or thing I will do my utmost to make them be restored to the Crown again; and if I may not do it myself I will inform the King or some of His Majesty’s judges thereof;
I will not respite or delay to levy the King’s debts for any gift promise reward or favour where I may raise the same without great grievance to the debtors;
I will do right as well to poor as to rich in all things belonging to my office;
I will do no wrong to any man for any gift reward or promise nor for favour or hatred;
I will disturb no man’s right, and will truly and faithfully acquit at the Exchequer all those of whom I shall receive any debts or sums of money belonging to the Crown;
I will take nothing whereby the King may lose or whereby his right may be disturbed injured or delayed;
I will truly return and truly serve all the King’s writs according to the best of my skill and knowledge;
I will take no bailiffs into my service, but such as I will answer for;
I will truly set and return reasonable and due issues of them that be within my bailiwick according to their estate and circumstances and make due panels of persons able and sufficient and not suspected or procured as is appointed by the statues of this realm. I have not sold or let to farm, nor contracted for, nor have I granted or promised for reward or benefit, nor will I sell or let to farm nor contract for or grant for reward or benefit by myself or any other person for me or for my use directly or indirectly my sheriffwick or any bailiwick thereof or any office belonging thereunto or the profits of the same to any person or persons whatsoever;
I will truly and diligently execute the good laws and statutes of this realm, and in all things well and truly behave myself in my office for the honour of the King and the good of his subjects, and discharge the same according to best of my skill and power.
(This is the Declaration of the High Sheriff of Derbyshire pursuant to s.7 of the Sheriffs Act 1887.)
Source : Derbyshire High Sheriff Office - https://derbyshirehighsheriff.co.uk/appointment
Sources :
Literae Cantuarienses, ed. J. B. Sheppard, 3 vols (RS, 1887-89), vol. 3, pp. 235-7 [English]
English Historical Documents Vol 4 [Late medieval] 1327 - 1485;
Derbyshire High Sheriff Office - https://derbyshirehighsheriff.co.uk/appointment/;
Crime, law and society in the later Middle Ages (Manchester Medieval Sources) Paperback – 1 Mar. 2009 by Anthony Musson (Author, Editor), Edward Powell (Author, Editor);
A Treatise on the Law of Sheriff: With Practical Forms and Precedents By Richard Clarke Sewell https://books.google.co.uk/books?
Select Pleas of the Forest https://archive.org/details/selectpleasoffor00engluoft/page/n11/mode/2up?view=theater
Mercian https://www.mercian-as.co.uk/major.html
History of the County Palatine and Duchy of Lancaster, Volume 1 By Edward Baines
1 - John Scott, Sheriff of Kent in 1460 has a tenuous link to Watnall Hall and Lancelot Rolleston. His father-in-law was Sir Gervase Clifton of Clifton Hall, Nottingham whose descendant Sir Percy Clifton was great friends with Watnall Hall's Sir Lancelot Rolleston.
2 - 1682: Lancelot Rolleston of Watnall Hall; 1743: Lancelot Rolleston; 1781: Lancelot Rolleston of Watnall; 1805: Christopher Rolleston, of Watnall; 1877: Lancelot Rolleston of Watnall.
3 - Shuguftah Quddoos (below), the new Sheriff of Nottingham for 2023
4 - Veronica Moraa Pickering MBS DL (below) is the first woman of colour and the first Kenyan to hold the historic role of High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire.5 - Parliamentary Petition 5838. Occupation: Sheriff of Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire
Nature of request: Molesworth requests grace and remedy in as much as he has been amerced for 100s. before Ralph de Sandwich, justice of gaol delivery for Newgate because he did not wish to receive a writ under the seal of the same Ralph and make execution, for his oath states that he does not have to receive writs under the seal of a justice if he is not of an eyre.
Nature of endorsement: Because it is attested before the king by the barons of the exchequer present in this parliament that in the oath of the sheriff to the exchequer it is contained that he should not receive writs himself or by his deputies [suos] under the seal of the justice except in eyre or justices assigned in the same county; the king wishes that the 100s. within the petition should be entirely pardoned to Molesworth and on this let a writ of Chancery be sent to him etc. and that the oath of the sheriff should hereafter be amended in this that from thenceforth he should receive writs under the seal of the justice assigned to the gaol delivery at Newgate etc.
6 - The Sheriff of Nottingham at the Sherwood Forest visitor centre has an active online presence these days. This is his Facebook page
7 - List of city Sheriffs first and then High Sheriffs afterwards...
An incomplete list of those Sheriffs appointed after the Charter of King Henry VI; approved on 28th June 1449. In 1835 the Boroughs of Nottingham were abolished and the town became one with a new Council of Nottingham, which resulted in Nottingham having one Sheriff.
2023/2024 Councillor Shuguftah Quddoos
2022/2023 Councillor Nicola Heaton
2021/2022 Councillor Merlita Bryan
2020/2021 Councillor Patience Ifediora
2019/2020 Councillor Patience Ifediora
2018/2019 Councillor Catharine Arnold
2017/2018 Councillor Glyn Jenkins
2016/2017 Councillor Jackie Morris
2015/2016 Councillor Mohammed Saghir
2014/2015 Councillor Jackie Morris
2013/2014 Councillor Ian Malcolm
2012/2013 Councillor Merlita Bryan
2011/12 Councillor Leon Unczur
2010/11 Councillor Penny Griggs
2009/10 Councillor Leon Unczur
2008/09 Councillor Brian Grocock
2007/08 Councillor Jeannie Packer
2006/07 Councillor Jeannie Packer
2005/06 Councillor Derek Cresswell
2004/05 Councillor Derek Cresswell
2003/04 Councillor John Hartshorne
2002/03 Councillor Ali Asghar
2001/02 Councillor Joan Casson
2000/01 Councillor John Hartshorne
1999/00 Councillor Mike Whittall
1998/99 Councillor Chris Gibson
1997/98 Councillor A F Robinson
1996/97 Councillor M A Wood/Mrs Sylvia Briggs
1995/96 Councillor R Greensmith
1994/95 Councillor R Mackintosh
1993/94 Councillor A F Robinson
1992/93 Councillor Brent Charlesworth
1991/92 Councillor Shaukat Khan
1990/91 Councillor Alfred T Stone
1989/90 Councillor A F Robinson
1988/89 Councillor Brian A Marshall
1987/88 Councillor Royce young
1986/87 Councillor Barrie Parker
1985/86 Councillor T V Harby
1984/85 Councillor Frank Dennett
1983/84 Councillor D C Birkinshaw
1982/83 Councillor J K Pennington
1981/82 Councillor T V Harby
1980/81 Councillor Frank Dennett
1979/80 Councillor George Howe
1978/79 Councillor Percy Holland
1977/78 Councillor Rex Rolling
1976/77 Councillor Mrs Grace Roberts
1975/76 Councillor G H Elliott
1974/75 Councillor L F Squires
1973/74 Alderman A G Wright
1972/73 Alderman N Hemmington
1971/72 Councillor E B Bateman
1970/71 Councillor C W Judge
1969/70 Alderman L Whitehouse
1968/69 Alderman BW Goddard
1967/68 Mr J H Bryan
1966/67 Alderman E M Durham
1965/66 Councillor C McReed
1964/65 Alderman W G E Dyer
1963/64 Alderman Percy Holland
1962/63 Alderman A W Norwebb
1961/62 Alderman A E Greenaway
1960/61 Alderman Cornelius Cameron
1959/60 Alderman Sidney P Hill
1958/59 Councillor Frank W Wootton
1957/58 Councillor John L Davies
1956/57 Councillor Roland E Green
1955/56 Councillor William E Maltby
1954/55 Councillor Leonard Mitson
1953/54 Councillor William J Cox
1952/53 Councillor John Kenyon
1951/52 Councillor Sidney Hobson
1950/51 Councillor Walter Murby
1949/50 Councillor Joseph Littlefair/ Councillor Leon H Willson (Oct 1949 - May 1950)
1948/49 Alderman William Sharp
1947/48 Alderman William Sharp
1946/47 Councillor Harry O Emmony
1945/46 Councillor Thomas R Scott
1944/45 Councillor Wilfred B Bland
1943/44 Councillor Francis Carney
1942/43 Councillor John E Mitchell
1941/42 Councillor A H Billingham
1940/41 Councillor Lazarus J Levin
1939/40 Councillor Ernest Braddock
1938/39 Councillor Louis Pilsworth
1937/38 Alderman Walter Halls
1936/37 Councillor Arthur E Savage
1935/36 Councillor Frederick Mitchell
1934/35 Wallis Smith
1933/34 Councillor Ernest Purser
1932/33 Councillor William W Welden
1931/32 Councillor Mrs C M Harper
1930/31 Councillor Richard E Ashworth
1929/30 Councillor William Hooley
1928/29 Alderman William Green
1927/28 Arthur Pollard
1926/27 John Hopkin
1925/26 Samuel Geo Ward
1924/25 Robert A Young
1923/24 Arthur Judd
1922/23 John Farr
1921/22 Abraham Parkes
1920/21 John H Freckingham
1919/20 Herbert Offiler
1918/19 John Morris
1917/18 Henry Offiler
1916/17 Richard Henry Swain
1915/16 James Clarkson
1914/15 John Godfrey Small
1913/14 John Henry Gregg
1912/13 Harry Baker Halford
1911/12 John Pycroft
1910/11 Frank Newton Hobson/Albert Reuben Atkey
1909/10 Thomas Ward
1908/09 Edwin Mellor
1907/08 William Henry Carey
1906/07 Frederick Ball
1905/06 Samborne Cook
1904/05 Thomas James Dabell
1903/04 Robert Fleeman
1902/03 John White
1901/02 Edward G Loverseed
1900/01 James Brown Sim
1899/00 James Black Roberts
1898/99 Frederick W Gregory
1897/98 Arthur William Black
1896/97 Frederick R Radford
1895/96 John Bright
1894/95 Forbes R Mutch
1893/94 Joseph Bright
1892/93 Abraham Pyatt
1891/92 John Alfred H Green
1890/91 Anderson Brownsword
1889/90 Frederick Pullman
1888/89 John Robinson
1887/88 John Jelley
1886/87 Robert Dennett
1885/86 John Benjamin Walker
1884/85 Edward Henry Fraser
1883/84 F F Cleaver
1882/83 J P Ford
1881/82 T Bayley
1880/81 H S Cropper
1879/80 Frederick Acton
1878/79 J Turney
1877/78 A J Jacoby
1876/77 L Lindley
1875/76 J Renals
1874/75 William Sulley
1873/74 James Carver
1872/73 G Trevitt
1871/72 C A Boot
1870/71 J G Woodward
1869/70 J W Bowers
1868/69 Charles Grey Hill
1867/68 Charles Grey Hill
1866/67 M I Preston
1865/66 R B Bond
1864/65 John Place
1863/64 F B Baker
1862/63 W Chapman
1861/62 Samuel Butler
1860/61 W Lambert
1859/60 W G Ward
1858/59 J Manning
1857/58 W Bradbury
1856/57 C Felkin
1855/56 F E Shipley
1854/55 W V Copeland
1853/54 A J Mundella
1852/53 W Page
1851/52 T Ball
1850/51 A Wilmot
1849/50 Thomas Ashwell
1848/49 Edward Steegman
1847/48 James Roe
1846/47 John Barber
1845/46 Nathan Hurst Jnr
1844/45 William Knight
1843/44 William Galloway
1842/43 Johnathon Reckless
1841/42 Thomas Gilbert Carver
1840/41 Thomas Roberts Jnr
1839/40 Johnathon Neville
1838/39 Francis Butcher Gill
1837/38 Benjamin Morley
1836/37 George Bacon
1835/36 Henry Moses Wood**
1834/35 Charles Leavers / John Birkhead
1833/34 Thomas Roberts / T Bishop
1832/33 George Harvey / John Rogers
1831/32 John Harrison / T Guildford
1830/31 T Allen / R C Barber
1829/30 William Cartledge / R Davison
1828/29 Nathaniel Barnsdall / Henry Homer
1827/28 Samuel Hollins / Kirke Swann
1826/27 William Enfield / Thomas Shipman
1825/26 William Walker / S H Swann
1824/25 F Hart / James Fellows
1823/24 Henry Leaver / Thomas Guildford
1822/23 J Wells / T Wilson
1821/22 J Homer / W Rowarth
1820/21 Robert Seals / J Heard
1819/20 C Huish / Mr Deverills
1818/19 N Barnsdall / John Theaker
1817/18 A T Fellows / C Huish
1816/17 George Gill / Roger Allen
1815/16 Richard Hopper Jnr / Thomas Wakfield
1814/15 John Allen Jnr / William Soars
1813/14 Charles Lomas Morley / John Michael Fellows
1812/13 Edward Allatt Swann / Alfred Lowe
1811/12 Isaac Woolley / Samuel Hall
1810/11 Charles Wakefield / John Stevens Howitt
1809/10 Kirk Swann / William Morley
1808/09 John Carr / Francis Wakefield Jnr
1807/08 John Bates / Wright Coldhan
1806/07 Octavius Tho. Oldknow / Alexander Strahan
1805/06 Charles Mellor / Edward Stavely
1804/05 Charles Lomas Morley / John Houseman Barber
1803/04 George Nelson / Thomas Williams
1802/03 William Howitt / William Hickling
1801/02 John Allen / Thomas White
1800/01 George Nelson / Henry Enfield
1799/00 Robert Hall / Jonathan Dunn
1798/99 Wright Coldhan / William Wilson
1797/98 Cornelius Huthwaite / William Dawson
1796/97 Thomas Richards / Nathaniel Need Jnr
1795/96 John Allen / John Ashwell
1794/95 Thomas Richards / Henry Green Jnr
1793/94 Nathaniel Whitlock / Thomas Smith
1792/93 Thomas Wylde / Thomas Pepper
1791/92 William Doncaster / John Stone
1790/91 John Whitlock / Ehlm Samuel Fellows
1789/90 Joseph Hurst Lowe / Joseph Heath
1788/89 Timothy Fellows / William Huthwaite Jnr
1787/88 John Davison / Thomas Nelson
1786/87 Stokeham Huthwaite / Thomas Hawkesley
1785/86 John Heath / George Dodson Jnr
1784/85 Edward Swann / Alexander Strahan
1783/84 Henry Keyworth / John Need
1782/83 Thomas Caunt / Thomas Watson
1781/82 John Fellows / John Hancock
1780/81 John Buxton / John Ball Mason
1779/80 Samuel Worthington / Samuel Green
1778/79 Samuel Heywood / Robert Summers
1777/78 Sir George Smith. Bart. / Samuel Statham
1776/77 Smith Churchill / Tertius Dale
1775/76 Edward Chatteris / Samuel Newham
1774/75 Ralph Newman / William Heath
1773/74 George Burbage / John Collishaw
1772/73 John Wells / Richard Cox
1771/72 William Wells / Henry Green
1770/71 Samuel Eaton / John Oldknow
1769/70 Joseph Heath / Joseph Oldknow
1768/69 Thomas Oldknow Jnr / Michael Kayes
1767/68 Henry Hollins / George Sands
1766/67 John Doncaster / William Smith
1765/66 William Bettison / Benjamin Mather
1764/65 Benjamin Hornbuckle / John Sands
1763/64 Isaac Wylde / Joseph Lowe
1762/63 Benjamin Foxcroft / Matthew Whitlock
1761/62 John Padley / William Howitt
1760/61 James Foxcroft / George Dodson
1759/60 John Foxcroft / Joseph Stubbins
1758/59 Robert Hall / John Wells
1757/58 John Wilson / Robert Foulds
1756/57 Mark Huish / Alexander Foxcroft
1755/56 John Mellie / John Inglesant
1754/55 William Huthwaite / Robert Seagrave
1753/54 John Fellows / Thomas Sands
1752/53 John Blackwell / Thomas Spilby
1751/52 Thomas Worthington / John Caruthers
1750/51 Johnathon Dodson / William Seagrave
1749/50 Benjamin Mather / Richard Butler
1748/49 John Egginton / Humphrey Cox
1747/48 John Plumptre / William Cotton
1746/47 Thomas Cotes / Thomas Oldknow
1745/46 John Oldknow / John Sands
1744/45 John Killingley / Thomas Haywood
1743/44 William Goodwin / William Foulds
1742/43 James Huthwaite Jnr / Robie Swann
1741/42 Alexander Burden / Benjamin Bull
1740/41 William Cooper / John Sherbrooke
1739/40 Humphrey Hollins / Samuel Wood
1738/39 Thomas Shaw / Joseph Wright
1737/38 Charles Morley / James Hornbuckle
1736/37 James Dymock / Robert Huish
1735/36 Joseph Wright / Joseph Bilbie
1734/35 Francis Parkin / Joseph Smith
1733/34 Isaac Wyld / Joseph Finch
1732/33 Thomas Langford / Lewis Sherwin
1731/32 John Foxcroft / John Bilbie
1730/31 Stephen Egginton / Cornelius Huthwaite
1728/29 Jonathon Truman Jnr / Henry Butler
1727/28 John Farnhill / Joseph Inglesant
1726/27 Richard Wheldon / Roger Radforth
1725/26 John Morley / William Bilbie Jnr
1724/25 Samuel Harris / John Poe
1723/24 Nathaniel Charnels / John Hornbuckle
1722/23 James Hoe / James Huthwaite
1721/22 John Burton / Robert Egginton
1720/30 John Wood / Samuel Fellows
1720/21 William Robinson / Edmund Wildbore
1719/20 William Garton / Samuel Poe
1718/19 Jonathon Truman / Richard Smith
1717/18 John Radforth / Joseph Walters
1716/17 Robert Egginton / Laurence Bourne
1715/16 John Newton / William Shepherd
1714/15 Marmaduke Pennell / William Trigge
1713/14 John Huthwaite / Bartholomew Hallam
1712/13 Gervase Pilkinton / Joseph Hemus
1711/12 John Sherwin / John Sweetapple
1710/11 Robert Hoyes / Thomas Trigge
1709/10 Alvery Dodsley / Matthew Hoyland
1708/09 Jacob Tibson / Thomas Fillingham
1707/08 Lionel Lamb / Thomas White
1706/07 William Rippon / Francis Smith
1705/06 William Drury / Robert Brentnall
1704/05 William Johnson / Thomas Hawkesley
1703/04 William Greaves / Theodore Fosbrooke
1702/03 John Reynolds / John Collin
1701/02 Richard Bearn / Alexander Burden
1700/01 Joseph Cooke / William Bilby
1699/00 Francis Metham / George Frith
1698/99 Thomas Lovett / John Riccards
1697/98 Thomas James / Robert Allcock
1696/97 Robert Harrison / John Greaves
1695 Roger Radford / Robert Lindley
1694 John Kitchen / William Barke
1693 Samuel Smith / Francis Armstrong
1692 John Hoe / Edward Hickling
1691 James Huthwaite / Benjamin Green
1690 William Orme / William Barnes
1689 Samuel Watkinson / William Cockle
1688 Thomas Boote / Samuel Smith
1687 John Scatergood / Richard Wright
1686 Henry Hardy / Thomas Partridge
1685 William Jackson / John Unwin
1684 Thomas Le / John Shipman
1683 John Peak / John Huthwaite
1682 Robert Peach / John Whitby
1681 Robert GreenJohn Malin
1680 John Sherwin / Samuel Lealand
1679 William Woolhouse / Francis Sumners
1678 William Hardy / Robert Hewitt
1677 William Coulton / Harold Smyth
1676 Thomas Muxlow / Robert Wortley
1675 Hugh Wlaker / Adrian Gamble
1674 Samuel Smith / Francis Salmon
1673 William Wilde / John Parker
1672 Richard Smith / Robert Coulstone
1671 Arthur Riccards / William White
1670 Benjamin Riccards / Ralph Bennett
1669 Gervase Wyld* / Samuel Richards*
1668 Joseph Clay / Edward White
1667 Robert Kirkby / John Rawson
1666 Thomas Walker / Roger Riley
1665 William Sheppard / John Parker
1664 Robert Bate / William Ashers
1663 Christopher Hall / Gervase Rippon
1662 William Toplady / John Greaves
1661 Richard Hodgkin / William Burton / Edward Greaves
1660 Samuel Riley / Adrian Cooke
1659 Isaac Malin / William Drury
1658 William Parker / John Toplady
1657 William Petty / William Lealand
1656 Richard Crampton / John Smalley
1655 Roger Riley / Richard Smith
1654 Daniel Sulley / Francis Cooke
1653 Thomas Cooper / Brownlow Eggington
1652 Robert Saxon / Barnaby Wartnaby
1651 Edmund Richards / Robert Malin
1650 Joshua Hill / William Hall
1649 John Reckless / Richard Watkinson
1648 Thomas Green / Robert Smith
1647 Richard Whitby / William Riley
1646 John Parker / Thomas Huthwaite
1645 John Fillingham / Adrian Garner
1644 Thomas Smith / William Bailey
1643 Richard Hides / Paul Hooton
1642 John Tomlin / George Alsebrooke
1641 John Sherwin / William Sumner
1640 John Cooper / William Parker
1639 Henry James / Thomas Gamble
1638 Joseph Winfield / Thomas Jackson
1637 Thomas Malin / Henry Miller
1636 Thomas Wooley / Richard Turpin
1635 William Richards / William Drury
1634 Humphrey Greaves / Ralph Milner
1633 Edmund Bampton / William Watson
1632 Gabriel Groves / James Beardsley
1631 Francis Toplady / Richard Hare
1630 Richard Dring / William Frost
1629 Edward Richards / John Poynton
1628 Richard Hardmett / Robert Harris
1627 Alexander Staples / Robert Greaves
1626 William Stanley / Robert Egginton
1625 Richard Cowlishaw / John Dodsley
1624 Thomas Cook / William Littlefare Jnr
1623 William Hopkins / William Lupton
1622 William Parker / Roger Derbyshire
1621 Gabriel Bateman / Cuthbert Weyn
1620 Robert Briggs / Edward Morrison
1619 Nicholas Mastyn / William Nix
1618 William Gregory / John James
1617 Michael Cook / Hugh Verden
1616 Samuel Burrows / William Hunt
1615 William Ricket / William Hunt
1614 John Perry / William Ludlam
1613 Richard Jowett / John Alvey
1612 William Clark / Percival Millington
1611 George Walker / Henry Baguley
1610 Lewis Oxley / Stephen Hill
1609 James Seeley / Richard Hare
1608 Nicholas Sherwin / John Dalton
1607 Thomas Morley / Richard Heald
1606 Richard Reckless / George Riley
1605 Robert Freeman / Anthony Gamble
1604 Thomas Nix / Robert Parker
1603 William Littlefare / William Hynde
1602 Robert Sherwin / James Rotherham
1601 Thomas Hill / Marmaduke Gregory
1600 James Woolfe / John Parker
1599 James Hobson / Richard Parker
1598 Francis Rolleston / Henry Alvey
1597 John Scott / William Pinder
1596 William Kniveton / George Stokely
1595 William Langford / William Wilson
1594 James Martin / William Widdowson
1593 Thomas Drury / Richard Reckless
1592 Richard Johnson / Richard Welsh
1591 Edmund Jowett / Leonard Nix
1590 William Freeman / Nicholas Baguley
1589 Richard Parleby / Ralph Shaw
1588 Edward Goodwin / Robert Stables
1587 John Nodin / Nicholas Sherwin
1586 Hezekiah Newbold / Henry Dunne
1585 John Hall / Thomas Wallis
1584 Thomas Huthwaite / Anker Jackson
1583 Robert Smales / Robert Hallam
1582 William Greaves / Richard Hurt
1581 William Pyggin / Roger Wood
1580 Robert York / Simon Pyckard
1579 Thomas Reeve / Richard Tomlinson
1578 George Widdowson / George Curzon
1577 Humphrey Bonner / George Hutchinson
1576 Edmund Burton / Thomas Donycliffe
1575 Nicholas AlveyWilliam Bell
1574 Robert PhippsWilliam Parlby
1573 Michael Bell / Henry Brightmore
1572 William Dodgson / Roger Wood
1571 Robert Cowper / Richard Morhag
1570 Thomas Cadman / William Stansall
1569 Thomas Nix / William Glossop
1568 Thomas Barwell / Fabian Mellors
1567 James Hartley / John Townrow
1566 William Scott / Henry Sherwood
1565 Simon Wilson / Robert Marsh
1564 Thomas Atkinson / George Rotherham
1563 Robert Jepson / John Parr
1562 William Ball / Gilbert Scale
1561 Richard Welsh / James Rawlinson
1560 Richard James / Thomas Kettering
1559 William Wilson / Thomas Clarke
1558 Henry Dand / Robert Alvey
1557 Peter Clarke / Robert Burton
1556 Hugh Smith / Matthew Hallam
1555 Francis Coleman / William Gellestrop
1554 Edward Edmundson / Richard Askew
1553 John Collin / Walter Dawson
1552 John Elton / Edward Newton
1551 John Alcocke / John Brownley
1550 John Nix / Nicholas Gorstan
1549 Randolph Glossop / John Gregory
1548 John Simpson / John Presse
1547 John Stanley / Edward Crewe
1546 Robert Cockayne / Robert Stamley
1545 John English / William Goodwin
1544 Richard Alyson / Richard Burton
1543 Henry Wincell / Henry Fosbrooke
1542 John Haskett / Nicholas Bonner
1541 Humphry Byrd / William Foster
1540 Richard Crew / John Sladen
1539 Robert Freeman / Christopher Stocks
1538 Richard Kyte / John Newbold
1537 John Revell / Thomas Wallis
1536 Richard Bunting / John Collinson
1535 Thomas Cockayne / John Smith
1534 Humphrey Quernby / William Coke
1533 William Mellers / Randell Bland
1532 William Edmondson / Laurence Marriott
1531 William Clattercoats / Richard Needham
1530 Richard Willoughby / Anthony Garland
1529 James Mason / Robert Clattercoats
1528 Richard Richardson / Laurence Wirehorn
1527 Thomas Gregory / Thomas Dawson
1526 William Colville / Robert Elton
1525 Henry Shepherd / William Sherpington
1524 William Warner / Thomas Harpham
1523 Thomas Hobbes / Robert Needham
1522 Robert Lovatt / Robert Moody
1521 Thomas Dokker / Ralph Palmer
1520 William Holden / Hugh Oldham
1519 John Alynson / Thomas Meryell
1518 Robert Rossel / Robert Stables
1517 Robert Hesilrig / Henry Green
1516 Richard Selyoke / Thomas Hunt
1515 John Yates / Richard Stanley
1514 John Doubleday / John Dorand
1513 Richard Lister / Robert Fisher
1512 Henry Cost / Robert Shemald
1511 Robert Mellers / Thomas Morton
1510 Thomas Cockayne / William Parmaton
1509 William Hegyn / Thomas Mellers
1508 William Cost / Thomas Wass
1507 John Hames / Thomas Stables
1506 Richard Caunt / Richard Halton
1505 William Kirkby / William Johnson
1504 Nicholas Rhodes / James Brasenby
1503 Henry Plumptre / Ranulph Bulkley
1502 John Rose / Thomas Willoughby
1501 John WilkinsonJohn Fisher
1500 Thomas Camworth / John Town
1499 William Turner / William Benbow
1498 Robert Norwood / Henry Hobbes
1497 John Walton / Alexander Elvington
1496 John Cost / Alexander Elvington
1495 John Shaw / Christopher Pickard
1494 Robert Toft / John Webster
1493 Robert Coytus / John Pyerson
1470 No known name
1469 William Barnes / Thomas Woodhouse
1468 Robert Hanson / William Bithway
1467 John Cooke / John Draper
1466 Richard Burton / John Taverner
1465 Richard Ody / John Hardy
1464 No known name
1463 Richard Knight / Walter Hilton
1462 John Mapperley / Roger Hewson
1461 John Ody / John Hyne
1460 Hugh Smith / Thomas Garner
1459 No known name
1458 No known name
1457 Ralph Hall / Henry Higyn
1456 William Strelly / Richard Hanson
1455 John Peringon / Henry Fisher
1454 Thomas Lovatt / Robert Sherwood
1453 Thomas Bradmore / Thomas Smith
1452 Robert Polson / John Godhard
1451 John Jowett / John Chaloner
1450 John Clarke / Richard Bedal
1449 William Sadler / Thomas Lyng
Due to fire in the Town Clerks Office, a number of records were lost and this is the reason that there are some spaces.
* indicates the two Sheriff's who, in 1669, responded to an order of 'Hall' made on the 1st October that year and two silver maces were procured for their offices to the value of £10 each, for which each succeeding Sheriff's were to repay them, except for 10 shillings, and so on, until the cost was fully reimbursed to the chamberlains. These two maces are the two carried by the Sheriff's attendants.
** indicates the change from two Sheriffs to one, resulting from the Municipal Corporation Act of 1835. In 1834, Charles Leavers and John Birkhead had been appointed Sheriff's and would, before the act, have expected to hold office until the beginning of the first quarter of 1835 but with the change coming in the latter part of this year, they were allowed to hold office until the 1st January 1836 which was the first meeting of the newly established Town Council of the Borough of Nottingham; at this meeting Henry Moses Wood became the Sheriff for the new Borough of Nottingham.
The first female to hold the office for the Sheriff of Nottingham was Councillor Mrs C M Harper, 1931 to 1932.
These notes were compiled by Honorary Alderman Frank Dennett MBE.
15th Century
- 1449/50 William Sadler / Thomas Lyng
- 1450/51 John Clarke / Richard Bedal
- 1451/52 John Jowett / John Chaloner
- 1452/53 Robert Polson / John Holyock
- 1453/54 Thomas Bradmore / Thomas Smith
- 1454/55 Thomas Lovatt / Robert Shewood
- 1455/56 John Peringon / Henry Fisher
- 1456/57 William Strelly / Richard Hanson
- 1457/58 Ralph Hall / Henry Higyn
- 1458/59 No known names
- 1460/61 Hugh Smith / Thomas Garner
- 1461/62 John Ody / John Hyne
- 1462/63 John Mapperley / Roger Hewson
- 1463/64 Richard Knight / Walter Hilton
- 1458/59 No known names
- 1465/66 Richard Ody / John Hardy
- 1466/67 Richard Burton / John Taverner
- 1467/68 John Cooke / John Draper
- 1468/69 Robert Hanson / William Bithway
- 1469/70 William Barnes / Thomas Woodhouse
- 1472/73 Thomas Kendal / Richard Mellor
- 1473/74 John Gotham / John Holyock
- 1475/76 John Hilton / William Skevyngton
- 1476/77 William Allyn / John Cowper
- 1477/78 Walter Watnall / William Hurst
- 1478/79 Robert Ratcliffe / John Wederley
- 1479/80 John Clarke / John Alred
- 1480/81 John Cost / John Wood
- 1481/82 Thomas Cost / Ralph Hill
- 1482/83 John Howitt / William Johnson
- 1483/84 John Mellor / John Burton
- 1484/85 Thomas Ball / Edward Hilton
- 1485/86 John Bolton / John Williamson
- 1486/87 John Turner / William Wright
- 1487/88 Edmund Milnes / John Sergeant
- 1488/89 Richard Pyckard / Richard Fisher
- 1489/90 Richard Essett / Thomas Balderby
- 1490/91 Thomas Watt / William Congerton
- 1491/92 Richard Clough / Thomas Clifton
- 1492/93 Thomas Williamson / William Shirley
- 1493/94 Robert Coytus / John Pyerson
- 1494/95 Robert Toft / John Webster
- 1495/96 John Shaw / Christopher Pickard
- 1496/97 John Cost / Alexander Elvington
- 1497/98 John Walton / Alexander Elvington
- 1498/99 Robert Norwood / Henry Hobbes
- 1499/1500 William Turner / William Benbow
16th Century
- 1500/01 Thomas Camworth / John Town
- 1501/02 John Wilkinson (mayor 1517) / John Fisher
- 1502/03 John Rose / Thomas Willoughby (mayor 1518)
- 1503/04 Henry Plumptre / Ranulph Bulkley
- 1504/05 Nicholas Rodes / James Brasenby
- 1505/06 William Kirkby (mayor 1523) / William Johnson
- 1506/07 Richard Caunt / Richard Halton
- 1507/08 John Hames / Thomas Stables
- 1507/09 Thomas the Curren
- 1508/09 William Cost / Thomas Wass
- 1509/10 William Hegyn / Thomas Mellers (mayor 1529)
- 1510/11 Thomas Cockayne / William Parmaton (mayor 1527, 1534)
- 1511/12 Robert Mellers / Thomas Morton
- 1512/13 Henry Cost / Robert Shemald
- 1513/14 Richard Lister / Robert Fisher
- 1514/15 John Doubleday / John Dorand
- 1515/16 John Yates / Richard Stanley
- 1516/17 Richard Selyoke / Thomas Hunt
- 1517/18 Robert Hesilrig (mayor 1539) / Henry Green
- 1518/19 Robert Rossel / Robert Stables
- 1519/20 John Alynson (mayor 1540) / Thomas Meryel
- 1520/21 William Holden / Hugh Oldham
- 1521/22 Thomas Dokker / Ralph Palmer
- 1522/23 Robert Lovatt / Robert Moody
- 1523/24 Thomas Hobbes / Robert Nedham
- 1524/25 William Warner / Thomas Harpham
- 1525/26 Henry Shepherd / William Sherpington
- 1526/27 William Colville / Robert Elton
- 1527/28 Thomas Gregory / Thomas Dawson (mayor 1547)
- 1528/29 Richard Richardson / Laurence Wirehorn
- 1529/30 James Mason / Robert Clattercoats
- 1530/31 Richard Willoughby / Anthony Garland
- 1531/32 William Clattercoats / Richard Nedham
- 1532/33 William Edmondson / Laurence Marriott
- 1533/34 William Mellers / Randell Bland
- 1534/35 Humphrey Quernby (mayor 1549) / William Coke
- 1535/36 Thomas Cockayne / John Smith
- 1536/37 Richard Bunting / John Collinson
- 1537/38 John Revell / Thomas Wallis
- 1538/39 Richard Kyte / John Newbold
- 1539/40 Robert Freeman / Christopher Stocks
- 1540/41 Richard Crewe / John Sladen
- 1541/42 Humphry Byrd / William Foster
- 1542/43 John Haskett / Nicholas Bonner (mayor 1559, 1565)
- 1543/44 Henry Wincell / Henry Fosbrooke (mayor 1560, 1566)
- 1544/45 Richard Alyson / Richard Burton
- 1545/46 John English / William Goodwin
- 1546/47 Robert Cockayne / Robert Stanley
- 1547/48 John Stanley / Edward Crewe
- 1548/49 John Simpson / John Presse
- 1549/50 Randolph Glossop / John Gregory (mayor 1561)
- 1550/51 John Nix / Nicholas Gorstan
- 1551/52 John Alcocke / John Brownley (mayor 1567)
- 1552/53 John Elton / Edward Newton
- 1553/54 John Collin / Walter Dawson
- 1554/55 Edward Edmundson / Richard Askew
- 1555/56 Francis Colman / William Gelstrop (mayor 1583, 1590)
- 1556/57 Hugh Smith / Mathew Hallam
- 1557/58 Peter Clarke (mayor 1591, 1597) / Robert Burton
- 1558/59 Henry Dand / Robert Alvey (mayor 1580, 1587, 1594)
- 1559/60 William Wilson / Thomas Clarke
- 1560/61 Richard James (mayor 1577) / Thomas Kettering
- 1561/62 Richard Welsh / James Rawlinson
- 1562/63 William Ball / Gilbert Scale
- 1563/64 Robert Jepson / John Parr
- 1564/65 Thomas Atkinson / George Rotherham
- 1565/66 Simon Wilson / Robert Marsh
- 1566/67 William Scott / Henry Sherwood
- 1567/68 James Hartley / John Townrow
- 1568/69 Thomas Barwell / Fabian Mellers
- 1569/70 Thomas Nix / William Glossop
- 1570/71 Thomas Cadman / William Stansal
- 1571/72 Robert Cowper / Richard Morhag (mayor 1596, 1603, 1610)
- 1572/73 William Dodgson / Roger Wood
- 1573/74 Michael Bell / Henry Brightmore
- 1574/75 Robert Phipps / William Parlby
- 1575/76 Nicholas Alvey / William Bell
- 1576/77 Edmund Burton / Thomas Donycliffe
- 1577/78 Humphrey Bonner (mayor 1600, 1607) / George Hutchinson
- 1578/79 George Widdowson / George Curzon
- 1579/80 Thomas Reeve / Richard Tomlinson
- 1580/81 Robert York / Simon Pyckard
- 1581/82 William Pyggin / Roger Wood
- 1582/83 William Greaves / Richard Hurt (mayor 1602)
- 1583/84 Robert Smales / Robert Hallam
- 1584/85 Thomas Huthwaite / Anker Jackson (mayor 1598, 1605, 1612)
- 1585/86 John Hall / Thomas Wallis
- 1586/87 Hezekiah Newbold / Henry Dunne
- 1587/88 John Nodin / Nicholas Sherwin
- 1588/89 Edward Goodwin / Robert Stables (mayor 1601, 1608)
- 1589/90 Richard Parleby / Ralph Shaw
- 1590/91 William Freeman (mayor 1606, 1613) / Nicholas Baguley
- 1591/92 Edmund Jowett / Leonard Nix (mayor 1617, 1624, 1631)
- 1592/93 Richard Johnson / Richard Welsh (mayor 1604, 1611)
- 1593/94 Thomas Drury / Richard Reckless
- 1594/95 James Martin / William Widdowson
- 1595/96 William Langford / William Wilson
- 1596/97 William Kniveton / George Stokely
- 1597/98 John Scott / William Pinder
- 1598/99 Francis Rolleston / Henry Alvey
- 1599/1600 James Hobson / Richard Parker
17th century
- 1600/01 James Woolfe / John Parker
- 1601/02 Thomas Hill / Marmaduke Gregory (mayor 1620)
- 1602/03 Robert Sherwin / James Rotherham
- 1603/04 William Littlefare / William Hynde
- 1604/05 Thomas Nix (mayor 1616) / Robert Parker (mayor 1626, 1633)
- 1605/06 Robert Freeman / Anthony Gamble
- 1606/07 Richard Reckless / George Riley
- 1607/08 Thomas Morley / Richard Heald
- 1608/09 Nicholas Sherwin / John Dalton
- 1609/10 James Seeley / Richard Hare
- 1610/11 Lewis Oxley / Stephen Hill
- 1611/12 George Walker / Henry Baguley
- 1612/13 William Clark / Pervcival Millington
- 1613/14 Richard Jowett / John Alvey
- 1614/15 John Perry / William Ludlam
- 1615/16 William Ricket / William Hunt
- 1616/17 Samuel Burrows / William Hunt
- 1617/18 Michael Cook / Hugh Verden
- 1618/19 William Gregory / John James
- 1619/20 Nicholas Mastyn / William Nix
- 1620/21 Robert Briggs / Edward Morris
- 1621/22 Gabriel Bateman / Cuthbert Weyn
- 1622/23 William Parker / Roger Darbyshire
- 1623/24 William Hopkins / William Lupton
- 1624/25 Thomas Cook / William Littlefare Jnr.
- 1625/26 Richard Cowlishaw / John Dodsley
- 1626/27 William Stanley / Robert Egginton
- 1627/28 Alexander Staples / Robert Greaves
- 1628/29 Richard Hardmett (mayor 1635, 1642) / Robert Harris
- 1629/30 Edward Richards / John Poynton
- 1630/31 Richard Dring / William Frost
- 1631/32 Francis Toplady (mayor 1653, 1660) / Richard Hare
- 1632/33 Gabriel Groves / James Beardsley
- 1633/34 Edmund Bampton / William Watson
- 1635/36 William Richards / William Drury (mayor 1640)
- 1636/37 Thomas Wooley / Richard Turpin
- 1637/38 Thomas Malin / Henry Miller
- 1638/39 Joseph Winfield / Thomas Jackson
- 1639/40 Henry James / Thomas Gamble
- 1640/41 John Cooper / William Parker
- 1641/42 John Sherwin / William Sumner
- 1642/43 John Tomlin / George Alsebrooke
- 1643/44 Richard Hides / Paul Hooton
- 1644/45 Thomas Smith / William Bailey
- 1645/46 John Fillingham / Adrian Garner
- 1646/47 John Parker / Thomas Huthwaite
- 1647/48 Richard Whitby / William Riley
- 1648/49 Thomas Green / Robert Smith
- 1649/50 John Reckless / Richard Watkinson
- 1650/51 Joshuah Hill / William Hall
- 1651/52 Edmund Richards / Robert Malin
- 1652/53 Robert Saxon / Barnaby Wartnaby
- 1653/54 Thomas Cooper / Brownlow Eggington
- 1654/55 Daniel Sulley / Francis Cooke
- 1655/56 Roger Riley / Richard Smith
- 1656/57 Richard Crampton / John Smalley
- 1657/58 William Petty / William Lealand
- 1658/59 William Parker / John Toplady
- 1659/60 Isaac Malin / William Drury
- 1660/61 Samuel Riley / Adrian Cooke
- 1661/62 Richard Hodgkin / William Burton
- (superseded by Edward / Greaves)
- 1662/63 William Toplady / John Greaves
- 1663/64 Christopher Hall / Gervase Rippon
- 1664/65 Robert Bate / William Ashers
- 1665/66 William Sheppard / John Parker
- 1666/67 Thomas Walker / Roger Riley
- 1667/68 Robert Kirkby / John Rawson
- 1668/69 Joseph Clay / Edward White
- 1669/70 Gervase Wyld* / Samuel Richards*
- 1670/71 Benjamin Riccards / Ralph Bennet
- 1671/72 Arthur Riccards / William White
- 1672/73 Richard Smith / Robert Coulstone
- 1673/74 William Wilde / John Parker
- 1674/75 Samuel Smith / Francis Salmon
- 1675/76 Hugh Walker / Adrian Gamble
- 1676/77 Thomas Muxlow / Robert Wortley
- 1677/78 William Coulton / Harold Smyth
- 1678/79 William Hardy / Robert Hewitt
- 1679/80 William Woolhouse / Francis Sumners
- 1680/81 John Sherwin / Samuel Lealand
- 1681/82 Robert Green / John Malin
- 1682/83 Robert Peach / John Whitby
- 1683/84 John Peak / John Huthwaite
- 1684/85 Thomas Le / John Shipman
- 1685/86 William Jackson / John Unwin
- 1686/87 Henry Hardy / Thomas Partridge
- 1687/88 John Scattergood / Richard Wright
- 1688/89 Thomas Boote / Samuel Smith
- 1689/90 Samuel Watkinson / William Cockle
- 1690/91 William Orme / William Barnes
- 1691/92 James Huthwaite / Benjamin Green
- 1692/93 John Hoe / Edward Hickling
- 1693/94 Samuel Smith / Francis Armstrong
- 1694/95 John Kitchen / William Barke
- 1695/96 Roger Radford / Robert Lindley
- 1696/97 Robert Harrison / John Greaves
- 1697/98 Thomas James / Robert Allcock
- 1698/99 Thomas Lovett / John Riccards
- 1699/1700 Francis Metham / George Frith
18th Century
- 1700/01 Joseph Cooke / William Bilby
- 1701/02 Richard Bearn (mayor 1719, 1725) / Alexander Burden
- 1702/03 John Reynolds / John Collin
- 1703/04 William Greaves / Theodore Fosbrooke
- 1704/05 William Johnson / Thomas Hawkesley (mayor 1715)
- 1705/06 William Drury (mayor 1707)/ Robert Brentnall
- 1706/07 William Rippon / Francis Smith
- 1707/08 Lionel Lamb / Thomas White
- 1708/09 Jacob Tibson / Thomas Fillingham
- 1709/10 Alvery Dodsley / Matthew Hoyland
- 1710/11 Robert Hoyes / Thomas Trigge (mayor 1717, 1723)
- 1711/12 John Sherwin / John Sweetapple
- 1712/13 Gervase Pilkinton / Joseph Hemus
- 1713/14 John Huthwaite (mayor 1732) / Bartholomew Hallam
- 1714/15 Marmaduke Pennell (mayor 1718, 1724) / William Trigge (mayor 1730, 1748)
- 1715/16 John Newton / William Shepherd
- 1716/17 Robert Egginton / Laurence Bourne
- 1717/18 John Radforth / Joseph Walters
- 1718/19 Jonathon Truman / Richard Smith
- 1719/20 William Garton / Samuel Poe
- 1720/21 William Robinson / Edmund Wildbore
- 1721/22 John Burton / Robert Egginton
- 1722/23 James Hoe / James Huthwaite
- 1723/24 Nathaniel Charnels / John Hornbuckle (1743, 1749, 1754)
- 1724/25 Samuel Harris / John Poe
- 1725/26 John Morley / William Bilbie Jnr.
- 1726/27 Richard Wheldon / Roger Radforth
- 1727/28 John Farnhill / Joseph Inglesant
- 1728/29 Jonathon Truman Jnr. / Henry Butler
- 1729/30 John Wood / Samuel Fellows
- 1730/31 Stephen Egginton / Cornelius Huthwaite (mayor 1757, 1763, 1771)
- 1731/32 John Foxcroft / John Bilbie
- 1732/33 Thomas Langford (mayor 1733, 1747, 1753, 1759)/ Lewis Sherwin
- 1733/34 Isaac Wyld (mayor 1759) / Joseph Finch
- 1734/35 Francis Parkin / Joseph Smith
- 1735/36 Joseph Wright / Joseph Bilbie
- 1736/37 James Dymock / Robert Huish (mayor 1760)
- 1737/38 Charles Morley / James Hornbuckle (mayor 1761, 1767)
- 1738/39 Thomas Shaw / Joseph Wright
- 1739/40 Humphrey Hollins (mayor 1762) / Samuel Wood
- 1740/41 William Cooper (mayor 1765) / John Sherbrooke
- 1741/42 Alexander Burden / Benjamin Bull
- 1742/43 James Huthwaite Jnr. / Robie Swann (mayor 1766)
- 1743/44 William Goodwin / William Foulds
- 1744/45 John Killingley / Thomas Haywood
- 1745/46 John Oldknow / John Sands
- 1746/47 Thomas Cotes / Thomas Oldknow
- 1747/48 John Plumptre / William Cotton
- 1748/49 John Egginton / Humphrey Cox
- 1749/50 Benjamin Mather / Richard Butler
- 1750/51 Johnathon Dodson / William Seagrave
- 1751/52 Thomas Worthington / John Caruthers
- 1752/53 John Blackwell / Thomas Spilby
- 1753/54 John Fellows / Thomas Sands
- 1754/55 William Huthwaite / Robert Seagrave
- 1755/56 John Mellie / John Inglesant
- 1756/57 Mark Huish / Alexander Foxcroft
- 1757/58 John Wilson / Robert Foulds
- 1758/59 Robert Hall / John Wells
- 1759/60 John Foxcroft / Joseph Stubbins
- 1760/61 James Foxcroft / George Dodson
- 1761/62 John Padley / William Howitt
- 1762/63 Benjamin Foxcroft / Matthew Whitlock
- 1763/64 Isaac Wylde / Joseph Lowe
- 1764/65 Benjamin Hornbuckle / John Sands
- 1765/66 William Bettison / Benjamin Mather
- 1766/67 John Doncaster / William Smith
- 1767/68 Henry Hollins / George Sands
- 1768/69 Thomas Oldknow Jnr. / Michael Kayes
- 1769/70 Joseph Heath / Joseph Oldknow
- 1770/71 Samuel Eaton / John Oldknow
- 1771/72 William Wells / Henry Green
- 1772/73 John Wells / Richard Cox
- 1773/74 George Burbage / John Collishaw
- 1774/75 Ralph Newman / William Heath
- 1775/76 Edward Chatteris / Samuel Newham
- 1776/77 Smith Churchill / Tertius Dale
- 1777/78 Sir George Smith, Bt / Samuel Statham
- 1778/79 Samuel Heywood / Robert Summers
- 1779/80 Samuel Worthington / Samuel Green
- 1780/81 John Buxton / John Ball Mason
- 1781/82 John Fellows (mayor 1790) / John Hancock
- 1782/83 Thomas Caunt (mayor 1794) / Thomas Watson
- 1783/84 Henry Keyworth / John Need
- 1784/85 Edward Swann / Alexander Strahan
- 1785/86 John Heath / George Dodson Jnr.
- 1786/87 Stokeham Huthwaite / Thomas Hawkesley
- 1787/88 John Davison / Thomas Nelson
- 1788/89 Timothy Fellows / William Huthwaite Jnr.
- 1789/90 Joseph Hurst Lowe / Joseph Heath
- 1790/91 John Whitlock / Ehlm Samuel Fellows
- 1791/92 William Doncaster / John Stone
- 1792/93 Thomas Wylde / Thomas Pepper
- 1793/94 Nathaniel Whitlock / Thomas Smith
- 1794/95 Thomas Richards / Henry Green Jnr.
- 1795/96 John Allen / John Ashwell
- 1796/97 Thomas Richards / Nathaniel Need Jnr.
- 1797/98 Cornelius Huthwaite / William Dawson
- 1798/99 Wright Coldhan / William Wilson
- 1799/1800 Robert Hall / Jonathan Dunn
19th Century
- 1800/01 George Nelson / Henry Enfield
- 1801/02 John Allen / Thomas White
- 1802/03 William Howitt (mayor 1808) / William Hickling
- 1803/04 George Nelson / Thomas Williams
- 1804/05 Charles Lomas Morley (mayor 1815, 1821) / John Houseman Barber (mayor 1817)
- 1805/06 Charles Mellor / Edward Stavely
- 1806/07 Octavius Thomas Oldknow (mayor 1822)/ Alexander Strahan
- 1807/08 John Bates / Wright Coldham (mayor 1809)
- 1808/09 John Carr / Francis Wakefield Jnr.
- 1809/10 Kirk Swann / William Morley
- 1810/11 Charles Wakefield / John Stevens Howitt
- 1811/12 Isaac Woolley (mayor 1818)/ Samuel Hall
- 1812/13 Edward Allatt Swann / Alfred Joseph Lowe
- 1813/14 Charles Lomas Morley / John Michael Fellows
- 1814/15 John Allen Jnr. / William Soars (mayor 1819)
- 1815/16 Richard Hopper Jnr. / Thomas Wakefield
- 1816/17 George Gill / Roger Allen
- 1817/18 A.T. Fellows / C. Huish
- 1818/19 N. Barnsdall / John Theaker
- 1819/20 C. Huish / Mr. Deverills
- 1820/21 Robert Seals / J. Heard
- 1821/22 J. Heard / W. Rowarth
- 1822/23 J. Wells / T. Wilson
- 1823/24 Henry Leaver / Thomas Guildford
- 1824/25 F. Hart / James Fellows
- 1825/26 William Walker / S. H. Swann
- 1821/22 J. Heard / W. Rowarth
- 1822/23 J. Wells / T. Wilson
- 1823/24 Henry Leaver / Thomas Guildford
- 1824/25 F. Hart / James Fellows
- 1825/26 William Walker / S. H. Swann
- 1826/27 William Enfield / Thomas Shipman
- 1827/28 Samuel Hollins / Kirke Swann
- 1828/29 Nathaniel Barnsdall / Henry Homer
- 1829/30 William Cartledge / R. Davison
- 1830/31 T. Allen / R. C. Barber
- 1831/32 John Harrison / T. Guildford
- 1832/33 George Harvey / John Rogers
- 1833/34 Thomas Roberts / T. Bishop
- 1834/35 Charles Leavers / John Birkhead
- 1835/36 Henry Moses Wood
- 1836/37 George Bacon
- 1837/38 Benjamin Morley
- 1838/39 Francis Butcher Gill
- 1839/40 Johnathon Neville
- 1840/41 Thomas Roberts Jnr.
- 1841/42 Thomas Gilbert Carver (mayor 1848)
- 1842/43 Jonathon Reckless (mayor 1853)
- 1843/44 William Galloway
- 1844/45 William Knight
- 1845/46 Nathan Hurst Jnr.
- 1846/47 John Barber
- 1847/48 James Roe
- 1848/49 Edward Steegman
- 1849/50 Thomas Ashwell
- 1850/51 S. Wilmot
- 1851/52 T. Ball
- 1852/53 W. Page
- 1853/54 Anthony John Mundella
- 1854/55 W. V. Copeland
- 1855/56 F. E. Shipley
- 1856/57 C. Felkin
- 1857/58 W. Bradbury
- 1858/59 John Manning (mayor 1870)
- 1859/60 William G. Ward (mayor 1871)
- 1860/61 William Lambert (mayor 1874)
- 1865/66 R. B. Bond
- 1866/67 M. I. Preston
- 1867/68 G. C. Hill
- 1868/69 G. C. Hill
- 1869/70 John W. Bowers (mayor 1876)
- 1870/71 J. G. Woodward
- 1871/72 C. A. Boot
- 1872/73 G. Trevitt
- 1873/74 James Carver
- 1874/75 William Sulley
- 1875/76 John Renals (mayor 1888)
- 1876/77 Leonard Lindley (mayor 1882)
- 1877/78 Alfred J.Jacoby
- 1878/79 John Turney (mayor 1886/87)
- 1879/80 Frederick Acton
- 1880/81 H. S. Cropper
- 1881/82 T. Bayley
- 1882/83 J. P. Ford
- 1883/84 F. F. Cleaver
- 1884/85 Edward Henry Fraser (mayor 1896/97)
- 1885/86 John Benjamin Walker
- 1886/87 Robert Dennett
- 1887/88 John Jelly
- 1888/89 John Robinson
- 1889/90 Frederick Pullman
- 1890/91 Anderson Brownsword
- 1891/92 John Alfred H. Green (mayor 1906)
- 1892/93 Abraham Pyatt
- 1893/94 Joseph Bright (mayor 1894/95, 1904)
- 1894/95 Forbes R. Mutch
- 1895/96 John Bright
- 1896/97 Frederick R. Radford
- 1897/98 Arthur William Black
- 1898/99 Frederick W. Gregory
- 1899/1900 James Black Roberts
20th century
- 1900/01 James Brown Sim
- 1901/02 Edward G. Loverseed
- 1902/03 John White
- 1903/04 Robert Fleeman
- 1904/05 Thomas James Dabell
- 1905/06 Samborne Cook
- 1906/07 Frederick Ball
- 1907/08 William Henry Carey
- 1908/09 Edwin Mellor
- 1909/10 Thomas Ward
- 1910/11 Frank Newton Hobson/ Albert Reuben Atkey (Lord Mayor 1928)
- 1911/12 John Pycroft
- 1912/13 Harry Baker Halford
- 1913/14 John Henry Gregg
- 1914/15 John Godfrey Small
- 1915/16 James Clarkson
- 1916/17 Richard Henry Swain
- 1917/18 Henry Offiler
- 1918/19 John Morris
- 1919/20 Herbert Offiler
- 1920/21 John H. Freckingham
- 1921/22 Abraham Parkes
- 1922/23 John Farr (Lord Mayor 1933)
- 1923/24 Arthur Judd
- 1924/25 Robert A. Young
- 1925/26 Samuel Geo. Ward
- 1926/27 John Hopkin
- 1927/28 Arthur Pollard (Lord Mayor 1930)
- 1928/29 William Green (Lord Mayor 1931)
- 1929/30 William Hooley (Lord Mayor 1937)
- 1930/31 Richard E. Ashworth (Lord Mayor 1934)
- 1931/32 Mrs. C. M. Harper
- 1932/33 William Walter Weldon
- 1933/34 Ernest Purser (Lord Mayor 1936)
- 1934/35 Wallis Smith
- 1935/36 Frederick Mitchell (Lord Mayor 1943)
- 1936/37 Arthur E. Savage
- 1937/38 Walter Halls (Lord Mayor 1940)
- 1938/39 Louis Pilsworth (Lord Mayor 1941)
- 1939/40 Ernest A. Braddock (Lord Mayor 1942)
- 1940/41 Lazarus J. Levin
- 1941/42 A. H. Billingham
- 1942/43 John E. Mitchell (Lord Mayor 1947/48)
- 1943/44 Francis Carney (Lord Mayor 1944)
- 1944/45 Wilfred B. Blandy
- 1945/46 Thomas R. Scott
- 1946/47 Harry O. Emmony (Lord Mayor 1950)
- 1947/48 William Sharp (Lord Mayor 1949)
- 1948/49 William Sharp
- 1949 Joseph Littlefair (Died)
- 1949/50 Leon Willson (Lord Mayor 1952)
- 1950/51 Walter Murby
- 1951/52 Sidney Hobson (Lord Mayor 1954)
- 1952/53 John W. Kenyon (Lord Mayor 1959)
- 1953/54 William J. Cox (Lord Mayor 1956)
- 1954/55 Leonard Mitson (Lord Mayor 1955)
- 1955/56 William E. Maltby
- 1956/57 Roland E. Green (Lord Mayor 1960)
- 1957/58 John L. Davies (Lord Mayor 1961)
- 1958/59 Frank W. Wootton (Lord Mayor 1964)
- 1959/60 Sidney P. Hill (Lord Mayor 1962)
- 1960/61 Cornelius Cameron (Lord Mayor 1963)
- 1961/62 A. E. Greenaway
- 1962/63 Arthur William Norwebb
- 1963/64 Percy Holland (Lord Mayor 1966)
- 1964/65 William George Ernest Dyer (Lord Mayor 1969)
- 1965/66 C. McReed
- 1966/67 E. M. Durham
- 1967/68 Mr. J. H. Bryan
- 1956/69 B. W. Goddard
- 1969/70 L. Whitehouse
- 1970/71 C. W. Judge
- 1971/72 Edwin Bernard Bateman (Lord Mayor 1977)
- 1972/73 Norman Hemmington
- 1973/74 Arthur G. Wright (Lord Mayor 1983)
- 1974/75 L. F. Squires
- 1975/76 G. H. Elliott
- 1976/77 Mrs. G. Roberts
- 1977/78 Rex Rolling
- 1978/79 Percy Holland
- 1979/80 George Howe
- 1980/81 Frank Dennett
- 1981/82 Frank Dennett
- 1982/83 Frank Dennett
- 1983/84 Frank Dennett
- 1984/85 Frank Dennett
- 1985/86 Frank Dennett
- 1986/87 Barrie Parker (Lord Mayor 1996)
- 1987/88 Royce Young
- 1988/89 B. A. Marshall
- 1989/90 A. F. Robinson
- 1990/91 Alfred T. Stone
- 1991/92 Shaukat Khan
- 1992/93 Brent Charlesworth (Lord Mayor 2003)
- 1993/94 A. F. Robinson
- 1994/95 R. McIntosh
- 1995/96 Roy Greensmith (Lord Mayor 1997, 2001)
- 1996/97 Malcolm A. Wood (Lord Mayor 1992)
- 1996/97 Mrs. S. Briggs
- 1997/98 A. F. Robinson
- 1998/99 Christopher Gibson (Lord Mayor 1990)
- 1999/2000 Mike Whittall
21st Century
- 2000/01 John Hartshorne (Lord Mayor 2004)
- 2001/02 Joan Casson
- 2002/03 Ali Asghar
- 2003/04 John Hartshorne
- 2004/05 Derek Creswell
- 2005/06 Derek Creswell
- 2006/07 Jeannie Packer (Lord Mayor 2009)
- 2007/08 Jeannie Packer
- 2008/09 Brian Grocock (Lord Mayor 2010)
- 2009/10 Leon Unczur (Lord Mayor 2012)
- 2010/11 Penny Griggs
- 2011/12 Merlita Bryan (Lord Mayor 2013)
- 2013/14 Ian Malcolm (Lord Mayor 2014)
- 2014/15 Jackie Morris (Lord Mayor 2015)
- 2015/16 Mohammed Saghir
- 2016/17 Jackie Morris
- 2017/18 Glyn Jenkins
- 2018/19 Catharine Arnold
- 2019/20 Patience Uloma Ifediora
- 2019/21 Patience Uloma Ifediora
- 2021/22 Councillor Merlita Bryan
2022/2023 Councillor Nicola Heaton
2023/2024 Councillor Shuguftah Quddoos
High Sheriffs...
From 1068 until 1567, the position existed as High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and the Royal Forests. From 1568 separate appointments were made for the High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire and for the High Sheriff of Derbyshire. Sources incl. notes:
11th–14th century
1068: William Peverel
1069–1080: Hugh fitzBaldric
1081–1087: Hugh de Port[1]
?–1105: Richard fitz Gotse
1105: Helgot
1114: William I, Peveril
1125: Roger de Lovetot
1127–1129: Ivo de Hertz
1129: Osbert Sylvanus
1129–1153: William Peverel the Younger
1154: Osbert Sylvanus
1155–1156: Radulf son of Engelrami
1160–1164: Radulf son of Engelrami
1165–1168: Sir Robert FitzRanulph
1169–1176: William FitzRalph
1177: William FitzRalph and Serlo de Grendon
1178: Serlo de Grendon
1179: William FitzRalph ( also Seneschal of Normandy) and Serlo de Grendon
1180–1186: Radulf Murdac
1190–1191: Roger de Lacy[2]
1191–1194: William de Wendenal
1194: William de Ferrers, 4th Earl of Derby (for seven weeks)
1194–1199: William Brewer
1200–1201: Hugh Bardulf and William de Lech[3]
1202: Hugh Bardulf and Reginald de Karduil
1203–1208: Robert de Vieuxpont, Richard De Bello Campo (Richard Beauchamp)
1208: Gérard d'Athée and Philip Marc
1209–1211: Philip Marc and Peter Markes[4]
1212: Philip Marc and Eustace De Ludham (Sheriff of Yorkshire 1225).
1216–1221: Philip Marc
1222–1224: Ralph Fitz Nicholas
1225–1232: Ralph Fitz Nicholas and Hugo le Bell
1233–1234: Ralph Fitz Nicholas and William le Derley
1232: Eustace de Ludham
1234: Brian de Lisle (Also castellan of Knaresborough (Yorkshire) in 1205, Sheriff of Yorkshire in 1206 and succeeded Robert de Vieuxpont in charge of the Archbishopric of York).
1236–1239: Hugh Fitz Ralph and Robert de Vavasour, Lord of Bilborough
1240–1241: William de Cantilupe and Baldwin de Pannton
1242–1246: Baldwin de Pannton
1247–1254: Robert de Vavasor
1255: Sir Walter De Eastwood, then from May 1258 Roger de Lovetot.
1256–1257: Roger de Lunetal
1258–1259: Simon De Heydon
1260: Simon de Asselacton (Aslockton)
1261–1262: John de Balliol and Simon de Heydon
1263–1264: William, son of Herbert and son Henry
1265–1269: Reginald de Grey, 1st Baron Grey de Wilton and Hugh de Stapleford.[citation needed]
1267: Simon de Hedon but from Michaelmas, Gerard his son and Hugh de Stapleford.
1270–1271: Hugh de Stapleford and Walter, Archbishop of York.
1271: Hugh de Babbington (Under Sheriff to Walter, Archbishop of York)
1272: Walter Giffard, archbishop of York.
1274: Walter de Stirclerle or Stirkelegh.
1278: Reginald de Grey, 1st Baron Grey de Wilton, but from (Michaelmas), Gervasse de Willesford and John de Anesle.[5]
1279–1283: Sir Gervase Clifton (d.1323) of Clifton Hall, Nottingham
1285: John de Anesle
1290: Gervase de Clifton but from (Michaelmas) William de Chaddewich and Hugh de Stapelford.
1291: William de Chaworth
1293: Phillip of Paunton
1295: Walter de Goushill of Hoveringham
1297: John de Harrington
1298: Ralph de Shirley
1300: Richard de Furneaux
1301: Ralph de Shirley
1303: Petrus Picott
1307: Willielmus de Chellasdeston (Chellaston).
1308: Petrus Picott Willielmus de Chellasdeston.
1309: Johannes de Strichesley.
1310: Thomas de Swyneford.
1311: Radulphus de Crophulle.
1312: Johannes de la Beche.
1313: Radulphus de Crophulle.
1315: Johannes de Bella Fide (John Beaufie)
1318: Henry de Fauconberg (1st term)(Sheriff of Yorkshire 1323–27)
1319: Hugo de Stokes. Henricus de Fauconbridge.
1320–1322: Sir John Darcy
1322: Robert Ingram
1323: Henry de Fauconberg (2nd term)[6]
1324: Sir Ralph de Braylesford of Brailsford, Derbyshire[6]
1327: Robert Ingram.
1329: Thomas de Longvillers.
1329: Henry Fauconberg (3rd term) and Edmund de Cressy
1330: Johannes Bret
1331: Robertus de Joice
1334: Johannes de Oxon.
1338: Egidius de Meynell.
1341: Hugo de Hercy.
1342: Nicholaus de Longford.
1344: Johannes de Musters.
1345: Gervase de Clifton (1313–1391) of Clifton Hall, Nottingham[5]
1346: Thomas de Bekeringe.
1347: Johannes de Vaux.
1350: Johannes Walleys.
1362: Robert Morton.[7]
1381: John Bosun
1383: Sir John Leake[8]
1385: John Gateford of Gateford[9]
1387: Sir John Leake[8]
1389: Sir Robert Fraunceys[10]
1391: Sir Nicholas Montgomery of Marston Montgomery[11]
1391: John Gateford of Gateford[9]
1393: Sir John Leake[8]
1393: Thomas Rempstone
1396: John Gateford of Gateford[9]
1397–1399: Robert Morton of Harworth[12]
1399: Sir John Leake[8]
John de Keynes
15th century
24 November 1400: Roger Leche[13][14]
8 November 1401: John Gateford[13]
30 November 1401: William Sallowe[13]
29 November 1402: Sir John Clifton[13][15]
2 August 1403: Hugh Cressy,[13] of Oldcoates[16]
5 November 1403: Thomas Chaworth,[13] of Wiverton, Notts. and Alfreton, Derbys.[17]
22 October 1404: Sir Roger Stanhope[13]
22 November 1405: Roger Bradbourne,[13] of Bradbourne[18]
27 January 1406: Sir Nicholas Montgomery,[13] of Marston Montgomery[11]
5 November 1406: Sir Robert Fraunceys[13]
23 November 1407: Sir John Burton[13]
15 November 1408: William Rigmaiden[13][19]
29 November 1409: Sir Nicholas Montgomery,[13] of Marston Montgomery[11]
10 December 1411: Ralph Mackerell,[13] of Wilsthorpe, Derbys. and Clifton, Notts.[20]
3 November 1412: William Rigmaiden[13][19]
6 November 1413: Sir Nicholas Montgomery, the elder,[13] of Marston Montgomery[11]
Michaelmas 1414: Thomas Hercy[13]
1415: Thomas Buxton[21]
1 December 1415: Simon Leek,[13] of Leake and Cotham[22]
30 November 1416: William Rigmaiden[13][19]
10 November 1417: Sir Thomas Chaworth,[13] of Wiverton, Notts. and Alfreton, Derbys.[17]
4 November 1418: Sir Thomas Gresley,[13] of Drakelow[23]
23 November 1419: Ralph Mackerell,[13] of Wilsthorpe, Derbys. and Clifton, Notts.[20]
16 November 1420: Sir Ralph Shirley,[13] of Shirley, Derbys. and Ratcliffe-upon-Soar, Notts[24]
1 May 1422: Ralph Mackerell,[13] of Wilsthorpe, Derbys. and Clifton, Notts.[20]
14 February 1423: Sir John Cockayne,[13] of Ashbourne, Derbyshire[25]
13 November 1423: Sir Thomas Chaworth,[13] of Wiverton, Notts. and Alfreton, Derbys.[17]
6 November 1424: Sir Richard Vernon,[13] of Haddon Hall[25]
12 December 1426: Sir Thomas Gresley,[13] of Drakelow
15 January 1426: Sir John Zouche,[13] of Kirklington, Notts[25]
7 November 1427: Norman Babington,[13] of Dethick Manor[25]
4 November 1428: Sir John Cockayne,[13] of Ashbourne, Derbyshire[25]
10 February 1430: John Cockfield[13][25]
5 November 1430: Sir Hugh Willoughby,[13] of Risley[25]
1432: Sir Nicholas Montgomery[25]
1433: William Mereing[25]
1434: Sir Robert Markham[25]
1435: Sir John Cockayne of Ashbourne, Derbyshire[25]
1436: Thomas Darcy of Newhall[25]
1437: John Curzon of Kedleston[25]
1438: John Hickling[25]
1439: William Mereing[25]
1440: John Cockfeld[25]
1441: Thomas Stanton[25]
1442: J Walbeys[25]
1443: J Pole of Radbourne Hall[25]
1444: Thomas Nevil[25]
1445: J Stathum[25]
1446: Robert Strelley[25]
1447: Thomas Blount[25]
1448: Nicholas Fitzherbert of Norbury Hall[25]
1449: Thomas Stanton[25]
1450: Richard Willoughby[25]
1451: Robert Clifton of Clifton Hall, Nottingham[25]
1452: Robert Strelley[25]
1453: Sir William Plumpton of Hassop Hall[25]
1454: Sir John Gresley of Gresley[25]
1455: John Stanhope of Shelford, Nottinghamshire[25]
1456: William Babington[25]
1457: John Wastneis of Hendon[25]
1458: W Chaworth of Wiverton, Nottinghamshire[25]
1459: William Fitzherbert of Norbury Hall[25]
1460: Sir Robert Clifton of Clifton Hall, Nottingham[25]
1461: Richard Willoughby[26]
1462: Sir John Stanhope of Shelford, Nottinghamshire[26]
1463: Sir John Stanhope of Shelford, Nottinghamshire[26]
1464: Sir Robert Strelley[26]
1465: Phillip Okeover of Okeover Hall[27]
1466: Nicholas Fitzherbert of Norbury Hall[26]
1467: Nicholas Kniveton of Mercaston Hall[26]
1468: Sir Robert Clifton of Clifton Hall, Nottingham[26]
1469: Sir Henry Pierrepont of Holme Pierrepont Hall[26]
1470: William Blount[26]
11 April 1471: Sir Henry Pierrepont,[13] of Holme Pierrepont Hall[26]
9 November 1471: Gervas Clifton[13][26]
9 November 1472: John Curzon,[13] of Kedleston Hall[28]
5 November 1473: Phillip Okeover,[13] of Okeover Hall[27]
1475: Sir Henry Statham of Morley[26]
1476: William Basset of Brailsford[26]
1477: Ralph de la Pole of Radbourne Hall[29]
1478: Gervas Clifton of Clifton Hall, Nottingham[26]
1479: John Babington of Dethick Manor[26]
1480: Sir Robert Markham[26]
1481: Robert Eyre of Padley Hall[26][30]
1482: Charles Pilkington[26]
1483: Sir Gervas Clifton of Clifton Hall, Nottingham[31]
1484: John Curzon of Kedleston Hall[31]
1485: Sir John Curzon of Kedleston Hall[28]
1486: Sir John Byron[32]
1487: Sir John Curzon of Kedleston Hall[28][32]
1488: Sir Gervas Clifton of Clifton Hall, Nottingham[32]
1489: John Leek of Sutton[32]
1490: Nicholas Kniveton of Mercaston Hall[32][33]
1492: Sir James Savage[32]
1493: Nicholas Byron[32]
1494: Nicholas Kniverton jun. of Mercaston Hall[32]
1495: Bri Stamford[32]
1496: Sir Henry Willoughby of Risley[32]
1497: Sir Rad Shirley of Shirley[32]
1498: Thomas Babington of Dethick Manor[32]
1499: William Bothe[32]
16th century to 1568
1500: Humphrey Hercy of Grove Hall, Nottinghamshire[32]
1501: Sir Ralph Longford of Longford Hall[32]
1502: Sir Gervas Clifton of Clifton Hall, Nottingham[32]
1503: William Pierrepont[32]
1504: Sir Henry Vernon of Haddon Hall[32]
1505: Simon Digby[32]
1506: Sir William Merering[32]
1507: Sir William Merering[32]
1508: Sir Edward Stanhope of Rampton Manor, Rampton, Nottinghamshire[32]
1509: Sir Edward Stanhope of Rampton Manor, Rampton, Nottinghamshire[32]
1510: Sir Br. Stapulton[34]
1511: William Zouch[34]
1512: Richard Bassett[34]
1513: George Chaworth[34]
1514: Roger Mynors of Duffield[34]
1515: Sir William Mereing[34]
1516: Sir John Zouch[34]
1517: Robert Brown[34]
1518: Sir Br. Stapulton[34]
1519: Sir John Markham I of Cotham[34]
1520: Sir Godfrey Foljambe of Walton Hall, Chesterfield[35]
1521: Sir John Cockayne of Ashbourne[34]
1522: Sir William Pierrepoint[34]
1523: Sir John Byron of Colwick and Newstead Abbey[36]
1524: Sir John Vernon[34]
1525: Sir Godfrey Foljambe of Walton Hall, Chesterfield[35]
1526: Sir John Markham I of Cotham[34]
1527: Sir John Vernon of Haddon Hall[34]
1528: Sir John Byron of Colwick and Newstead Abbey[34]
1529: Nicholas Strelley[34]
1530: Sir Thomas Cockayne[34]
1531: Sir Henry Sacheveral[34]
1532: Sir William Coffin[34]
1533: John Hercy of Grove Hall, Nottinghamshire[34]
1534: Sir John Markham I of Cotham[37]
1534: Sir Anthony Babington of Dethick Manor[34]
1535: Sir Rad. Longford[34]
1536: Sir Godfrey Foljambe of Walton Hall, Chesterfield[35]
1537: Sir Nicholas Strelley[34]
1538: Sir John Markham II of Cotham[34]
1539: Sir William Bassett[34]
1540: Sir Gervase Clifton of Clifton Hall, Nottingham[34]
1541: Sir Henry Sacheveral[34]
1542: Sir John Byron of Colwick and Newstead Abbey[34]
1543: John Hercy of Grove Hall, Nottinghamshire[34]
1544: John Zouch[34]
1545: Sir John Markham II of Cotham[34]
1546: Sir Gervase Clifton of Clifton Hall, Nottingham[38]
1547: Francis Leek[38]
1548: Sir John Hercy of Grove Hall, Nottinghamshire[38]
1549: Sir Thomas Cokayne of Ashbourne[38]
1550: Sir Henry Sutton of Arundel[38]
1551; Sir John Byron of Colwick and Newstead Abbey[38]
1552: Sir Anthony Nevill[38]
1553: Sir John Port of Etwall[39][40]
1554: Sir Gervase Clifton of Clifton Hall, Nottingham[41]
1555: Sir James Foljambe of Walton Hall, Chesterfield[35][40]
1556: Sir John Charworth of Wiverton[40]
1557: Sir William Holles of Houghton[42]
1558: George Pierrepont of Holme Pierrepont Hall[42]
1559: Sir Thomas Cokayne of Ashbourne[43]
1560: Sir William Mering of Barton Park[42]
1561: Sir John Zouch of Codnor Castle[42]
1562: Sir Thomas Stanhope of Elvaston Castle[42]
1563: Sir Humphrey Bradbourn of Hough[42]
1564: Francis Molineux of Teversal Manor, Nottinghamshire[42]
1565: Sir Thomas Gerrard of Hilderstone[42]
1566: Godfrey Foljambe of Aldwark[42]
High Sheriffs of Nottinghamshire only...
1567: Sir Anthony Strelley
1568: Thomas Cowper
1569: John Byron
1570: John Nevill
1571: Robert Markham
1572: Sir Gervase Clifton (4th term)
1573: William Holles of Haughton
1574: Sir Thomas Stanhope of Shelford
1575: Henry Pierrepont of Holme Pierrepont
1576: George Chaworth of Wiverton
1577: Thomas Markham of Ollerton
1578: John Biron of Newstead Abbey
1579: Sir Francis Willoughby of Wollaton Hall (1st term)
1580: George Nevill
1581: William Sutton of Arundel
1582: Francis Molyneux of Teversal Manor[1]
1583: Robert Markham
1584: Brian Lassels
1585: John Sydenham
1586: George Chaworth
1587: Sir Thomas Stanhope of Shelford
1588: Sir Francis Willoughby of Wollaton Hall (2nd term)
1589: John Byron
1590: Thomas Thornhough
1591: John Holles, 1st Earl of Clare of Haughton
1592: John Basset
1593: Sir Francis Willoughby of Wollaton Hall (3rd term)
1594: William Sutton
1595: Richard Whalley of Kirton and Screveton
1596: John Biron of Newstead Abbey
1597: John Thorold
1598: Henry Chaworth
1599: Brian Lassels
17th century
1600: Edward North
1601: Henry Pierrepont of Holme Pierrepont, Notts.
1602: Roger Ascough
1603: William Rayner
1604: Gabriel Armstrong
1605: William Sutton
1606: William Cowper
1607: John Thornhagh
1608: Henry Sacheverell of Rockley
1609: John Molyneux of Teversal Manor[1]
1610: Sir Gervase Clifton, 1st Baronet of Clifton Hall, Nottingham[2]
1611: Sir John Molyneux Bt of Teversal Manor[1]
1612: John Byron
1613: Sir George Parkins of Bunny Hall[3]
1614: Robert Williamson of East Markham
1615: Robert Pierrepont, 1st Earl of Kingston-upon-Hull
1616: George Lassels
1617: Sir John Thornhagh of Fenton Hall[4]
1618: Thomas Barton
1619: William Reason
1620: Thomas Hutchinson of Owthorpe and Nottingham
1621: John White
1622: John Digby
1623: Sir Matthew Palmer of Southwell[5]
1624: Edward Golding and Geoffrey Markham
1625: Timothy Pusey
1626: Francis Williamson
1627: Sir Thomas Hewet of Shireoaks Hall
1628: Gervase Tovery
1629: Thomas Perkins
1630: Robert Sutton
1631: Thomas White
1632: Thomas Rolles
1633: Robert Mellish of Ragnall
1634: John Byron, 1st Baron Byron of Rochdale[6]
1635: Sir Hardolph Wasteneys, 1st Baronet of Hendon
1636: George Lassels
1637: Francis Thornhagh of Fenton Hall
1638: George Chaworth, 1st Viscount Chaworth of Armagh (died in office and replaced by son John)[6]
1639: Thomas Williamson
1640: Gilbert and Edward Nevill
1642: Sir John Digby
1643: Francis Thornhagh[6]
1645: Gabriel Armstrong[6]
1646: Richard (or Nicholas) Hacker of Flyntham[6]
1647: Henry Sacheverell[7]
1648: Francis Molyneux[6]
1649: William Clarkson[6]
1650: Robert Reynes[8]
1651: William Childers[9]
1652: Bryan Broughton
10 November 1653: Symon Bennett[10]
21 November 1653: Sir Hardolph Wasteneys, 2nd Baronet
23 November 1653: Sir William Hickman, 2nd Baronet
1654: John Musters
1655: William Willoughby[6]
1657: Hon Anchitell Grey of Risley[11]
1658–Feb 1660: John Hutchinson[12]
1659: John Ragner
1660: Sir Francis Leke, 1st Baronet[13]
1661: Francis Molyneux of Mansfield[1]
1662: Roland Sandes[6]
1663: Humphrey Monoux[6]
1664: Acton Burnell[6]
12 November 1665: John White, of Cotgrave[14]
7 November 1666: George Gregory[15]
6 November 1667: Thomas Charleton[16]
6 November 1668: Gervais Pigott[17]
11 November 1669: Sir Francis Rodes, 3rd Baronet[18]
24 November 1669: Thomas Lewes[19]
4 November 1670: Sir Francis Rodes, 3rd Baronet[20]
9 November 1671: Thomas Perkins[21]
11 November 1672: Richard Lloyd[22]
12 November 1673: John Hacker of Flintham[23]
5 November 1674: Edward (or John) Finney of Skegby[24]
15 November 1675: William Pinkney[25]
10 November 1676: Richard Slater of Nuthall[26]
15 November 1677: Henry Plumtree[27][28]
14 November 1678: John Linley, of Skegby[29]
13 November 1679: Arthur Warren[30]
4 November 1680: Charles Lacock[31]
1682: Lancelot Rolleston of Watnall Hall[32][33]
1683: Francis Sandys[34]
1684: Sir Matthew Jenison of Newark[35][36]
1685: John Digby[37]
1686: Thomas Hewitt[38] replaced by Edmund Nicholson[39]
1687: Darcy Molyneux of Mansfield[1][40]
1688: George Willoughby[41]
1689: John Dand[42]
18 March 1689: Sir Thomas Parkyns, 2nd Baronet
18 November 1689: Richard Taylor of Wallingwells Hall[43]
27 November 1690: Sir Nathaniel Curzon, 2nd Baronet
14 December 1691: William Brownlow, of Marlam
21 December 1691: Edward Mellish of Blyth Hall
17 November 1692: William Simpson
30 November 1693: Thomas Newdigate
December? 1693: George Gregory of Lenton[44]
6 December 1694: John Clerkson
5 December 1695: Sir Thomas Willoughby, 1st Baronet of Wollaton Hall
17 December 1696: Gervase Eyre[45]
16 December 1697: Timothy Ellis
6 January 1699: Robert Porter[46]
18th century
1700: Richard Brunt[47] replaced by Robert Hacker[48][49]
1701: John Harbord[50]
1702: William Burnett[51]
1703: Samuel Brant[52]
1704: Borlase Warren of Stapleford[53]
1705: Patrick Chaworth[54]
1706: Mundy Musters of Colwick Hall[55]
1707: Sir George Savile, 7th Baronet of Rufford Abbey[56][57]
1708: William Levinz of Grove Hall and Bilby, Notts.[58]
1709: Richard Edge[59]
1710: John Simpson of Babworth Hall[6]
1711: Jonathan Acklam[60]
1712: John Molyneux of Terversal Manor[61]
1713: Francis Lewis of Stanford Hall, Nottinghamshire[62]
1714: George Sharp[63]
1715: John Collins[64]
1716: Julius Hutchinson[65]
1717: Joseph Mellish of Blyth[66]
1718: Isaac Knight[67]
1719: Lyonel Copley[68]
1720: William Hallowes[69]
1721: John Sherwin[70]
1722: John Emerton[71]
1722: John Grundy[72]
1723: James Bancks[73]
1724: John Shaw of Brinley upon the Hill[74]
1725: George Langford[75]
1726: Beilby Thomson[76]
1727: Richard Browne of Gulthorpe[77]
1728: Anthony Eyre[78][79]
1729: Samuel Peak[80][81]
1730: William Shipman[82]
1731: John Nevill[83]
1732: John Neal[84]
1733: John Disney of Lincoln[85]
1734: Thomas Porter[86]
1735: Thomas Lister[87]
1736: Acton Burnell of Winckborne[88] replaced by William Burnell[89]
1737: William Challand[90][91]
1738: Joseph Clay of Nottingham[92]
1739: John Gilbert Cooper of Thurgarton[93]
1740: John Storey the younger[94]
1741: Thomas Langford[95]
1742: William Cartwright of Sutton[96]
1743: Lancelot Rolleston[97]
1744: Richard Browne of Gunthorpe[98]
1745: Henry Donstan of Worksop[99]
1746: Johen Thornhaugh[100]
1747: Sir Charles Molyneux, 5th Baronet of Teversal Manor[101]
1748: Thomas Stowe[102]
1749: William Chaworth of Aunsley[103]
1750: William Westcombe of Thrumpton[104]
1751: John Borlase Warren[105]
1752: Darcy Burnell of Winkbourn[106]
1753: Mundy Musters of Colwick Hall[107]
1754: Jonathan Acklom of Wiseton[108]
1755: Sir Thomas Parkyns, Bt of Bunny[109]
1756: Robert Sutton of Retford[110]
1757: John Hall of Mansfield Woodhouse[111]
1758: Sir George Smith, 1st Baronet of East Stoke[112]
1759: John Whetham of Kirklington[113]
1760: Ralph Edge of Strelley[114]
1761: Sir Samuel Gordon, 1st Baronet of Newark-upon-Trent[115]
1762: John Newton[116]
1763: David Gash of Balderton[117]
1764: Charles Mellish of Ragnall[118]
1765: William Ellis of Thornton[119]
1766: John Bell of Colston Bassett[120]
1767: Sir Gervase Clifton, 6th Baronet, of Clifton Hall, Nottingham[121]
1768: John Bell of Colton Bassett[122]
1769: Robert Foster of Newark[123]
1770: Urban Hall of Mansfield Woodhouse[124][125]
1771: George Dunston of Worksop[126]
1772: George Neville of Thorney[127]
1773: John Emmerton Wescomb Emmerton of Thrumpton[128]
1774: Joseph Pocklington of Carlton-upon-Trent[129]
1775: Cornelius Launder[130][131]
1776: Abel Smith the Younger of Bulcote[132]
1777: John Musters of Colwick Hall[107]
1778: William Bilbie of Berry Hill[133]
1779: William Denison of Ossington[134]
1780: Charles Vere Dashwood of Stanford Hall
1781: Lancelot Rolleston of Watnall[135]
1782: John Litchfield of Mansfield[136][137]
1783: John Gilbert Cooper of Thurgaton[136][138]
1784: Pendock Neal[139]
1785: Sherbrooke Lowe, of Southwell[140]
1786: Anthony Hartshorne of Hayton[141]
1787: Thomas Waterhouse of Beckenham[142]
1788: Richard Stenton of Southwell[143]
1789: John Chamberlin, of Sutton Bonington[144]
1790: George Chaworth of Annesley[139][145]
1791: George de Ligne Gregory of Harlaxton[146]
1792: Edward Thornton Gould[139]
1793: Richard Lumley-Saunderson, 6th Earl of Scarbrough of Rufford Abbey[147]
1794: Hon. John Simpson of Babworth Hall[148]
1795: Jonas Bettison of Holme-Pierrepont[149]
1796: John Wright of Nottingham, later of Lenton Hall
1797: John Gally Knight[150]
1798: Nathaniel Stubbins of Holme Pierrepont[151]
1799: Samuel Bristowe[152]
19th century
5 February 1800: William Gregory Williams, of Rempstone[153]
11 February 1801: Wiliam Elliott Elliott, of Nottingham[154]
3 February 1802: Robert Lowe, of Oxton[155]
3 February 1803: William Coape Sherbrooke, of Oxton[156]
1 February 1804: Thomas Webb Edge, of Strelley[157]
6 February 1805: Christopher Rolleston, of Watnall[158]
1 February 1806: Sir Thomas White, 1st Baronet, of Wallingwells[159]
4 February 1807: John Longden, of Bramcote Hills[160]
3 February 1808: John Manners Sutton, of Kelham Hall[161]
6 February 1809: Thomas Walker, of Bury Hill[162]
21 February 1810: John Chaworth, of Annesley Hall[163]
14 February 1811: Thomas Wright, of Norwood Park[164]
24 January 1812: Hugh Blaydes, of Ranby Hall[165][166]
10 February 1813: John Need, of Shirewood Hall[167]
4 February 1814: William Fletcher Norton Norton, of Elton[168]
13 February 1815: John Smith Wright, of Wilford[169]
1816: Robert Howe Bromley, 3rd Baronet[citation needed]
1817: Thomas Blackborne Hildyard of Flintham[170]
1818: Henry Walker of Blyth[171]
1819: Henry Gally Knight of Firbeck Hall[172]
1820: Sir Robert Clifton, 7th Baronet of Clifton Hall, Nottingham[173]
1821: Thomas Wildman of Newstead Abbey[174]
1822: William Farnworth Handley, of Newark-on-Trent[175]
1823: William Mason of East Retford[176]
1824: William Charlton of Chilwell[177]
1825: Gregory Gregory of Rempstone[178]
1826: George Saville Foljambe of Osberton[179]
1827: Frederick Robinson of Widmerpool[180]
1828: John E. Wescombe of Thrumpton[181]
1829: John Sherwin Sherwin of Bramcote Hills[182]
1830: John Coke, of Mansfield Woodhouse [183][184]
1831: Thomas Moore, of Ruddington[185]
1832: Henry Machin, of Gateford Hill[186]
1833: Sir Thomas White, 2nd Baronet, of Wallingwells Hall[187]
1834: Slingsby Duncombe, of Langford Hall[188]
1835: Christopher Nevile, of Thorney[189]
1836: John Handley, of Muskham Grange[190]
1837: Robert Ramsden, of Carlton in Lindrick[191]
1838: Thomas Webb Edge, of Strelley[192]
1839: John Evelyn Denison, of Ossington Hall[193]
1840: Sir Juckes Granville Juckes-Clifton, 8th Baronet, of Clifton Hall, Nottingham[173]
1841: Henry Smith, of Wilford[194][195]
1842: Francis Wright, of Lenton Hall[196]
1843: Thomas Dickinson Hall, of Whatton[197]
1844: Charles Paget, of Ruddington Grange[198][199]
1845: William Hodgson Barrow, of Southwell[200]
1846: Francis Hall, of Park Hall[201]
1847: John Vere, of Carlton-upon-Trent[202]
1848: John Henry Manners-Sutton, of Kelham Hall,[203] replaced by Robert Holden, of Nuttall Temple[204]
1849: Granville Harcourt-Vernon, of Grove[205]
1850: Rt. Hon. Edward Strutt, of Kingston Hall[206]
1851: John Francklin, of Gonalston[207]
1852: Henry Frederick Walker, of Blyth Hall[208]
1853: Thomas Spragging Godfrey of Balderton[209]
1854: Samuel Bagnall Wild of Costock[210]
1855: Henry Bridgeman Simpson of Babworth[211]
1856: Samuel William Welfitt of Langwith Hall[212]
1857: Richard Milward of Thurgarton Priory[213]
1858: Jonathan Hardcastle of Blidworth Dale[214]
1859: Henry Porter Sherbrooke of Oxton[215]
1860: Edward Valentine Pegge Burnell of Winkburn Hall[216]
1861: Henry Savile of Rufford Abbey[217]
1862: Thomas Blackborne Thoroton Hildyard, of Flintham House[218]
1863: John Henry Manners-Sutton, of Kelham Hall[219]
1864: John Chaworth Musters of Annesley Hall[220]
1865: William Frederick Webb of Newstead Abbey[221]
1866: Sir Edward Samuel Walker of Berry Hill[222]
1867: Sir John Sutton, 3rd Baronet of Norwood Park[223]
1868: John Bagshaw Taylor of Radcliffe-upon-Trent[224]
1869: John Handley of Newark-upon-Trent[225]
1870: James Thomas Edge of Strelley[226]
1871: James Thorpe of Coddington[227]
1872: George William Mason of Morton Hall, near Retford[228]
1873: Henry Eyre of Rampton[229]
1874: Robert Kelham of Bleasby[230]
1875: Henry Robert Clifton of Clifton[231]
1876: John Elliott Burnside of Gedling[232]
1877: Lancelot Rolleston of Watnall[233]
1878: Robert Laycock of Wiseton[234]
1879: Thomas Broughton Charlton of Chilwell[235]
1880: William Henry Coape Gates, of Langford Hall[236]
1881: George Coke Robertson, of Widmerpool[237]
1882: Sir Henry Bromley, 4th Baronet, of East Stoke[238]
1883: Percy Hartshorne Cooper, of Bulwell[239]
1884: Frederick Chatfield Smith of Bramcote[240]
1885: Robert Millington Knowles, of Colston Bassett,[241]
1886: Henry Abel Smith, of Wilford[242]
1887: Benjamin Huntsman, of West Retford[243]
1888: Frederick Platt of Barnby[244]
1889: Francis Foljambe, of Osberton[245]
1890: Sir Charles Seely, 1st Baronet[246]
1891: Lewis Randle Starkey of Norwood Park[247]
1892: Sir Thomas Birkin, 1st Baronet[248]
1893: Benjamin Ingham Whitaker, of Hesley Hall[249]
1894: Edward Evelyn Harcourt-Vernon, of the Grove Hall[250]
1895: William Evelyn Denison, of Ossington Hall[251]
1896: William Hollies, of Pleasley Vale, Mansfield[252]
1897: Philo Laos Mills, of Ruddington Hall[253]
1898: Sir George Ernest Paget, 1st Baronet, of Sutton Bonington[254]
1899: William Welfit Hall of Park Hall, Mansfield[255]
20th century
1900: Francis Abel Smith of Papplewick Hall, Nottingham[256]
1901: John Robinson of Worksop Manor[257]
1902: John Patricius Chaworth-Musters of Annesley Park[258]
1903: Albert Cantrell Cantrell-Hubbersty of Tollerton Hall[259]
1904: Thomas Lewis Kekewich Edge of Strelley Hall[260]
1905: Francis Ley of Epperstone Manor[261] (later Sir Francis Ley)
1906: Joseph Frederick Laycock of Wiseton Hall, Bawtry[262]
1907: Thomas Philip Barber of Lamb Close House, Eastwood[263]
1908: Francis Willey, 1st Baron Barnby of Blyth Hall, Rotherham[264]
1909: Sir Hugo Meynell FitzHerbert, 6th Baronet of Tissington Hall, Ashbourne, Derbyshire[265]
1910: Thomas Craven of Kirklington Hall, Southwell[266]
1911: Francis Hall of Park Hall, Mansfield[267]
1912: Sir Charles Seely, 2nd Baronet of Wingerworth Hall, Chesterfield[268]
1913: William Norton Hicking of Brackenhurst Hall, Southwell[269]
1914: Evelyn Kyrle Smith of Oxton Hall, Southwell[270]
1915: Sir Thomas Birkin, 2nd Baronet of Park House, Nottingham[271]
1916: Major Charles Richard Tennant of St. Ann's Manor, Sutton Bonington[272]
1917: Francis Newman Ellis of Debdale Hall, Mansfield[273]
1918: William Henry Mason of Morton Hall, East Retford[274]
1919: Francis Pegler, of Ordsall Hall, Retford[275]
1920: John Plowright Houston of Park Hall, Mansfield Woodhouse[276]
1921: Lieut.-Col. Albert Edward Whitaker of Babworth Hall, Retford[277]
1922: Lieut.-Col. Frank Evelyn Seely of Ramsdale Park, Arnold.[278]
1923: Charles Arthur Longbottom of Forest Hill, Worksop[279]
1924: Sir Arthur Ernest Blake of West Leake Manor[280]
1925: Hugh Seely, 1st Baron Sherwood of Sherwood Lodge, Arnold[281]
1926: Col. Sir Albert Edward Bingham, 2nd Baronet of Ranby House, Retford[282]
1927: Stanley Bourne, of Epperstone Manor[283]
1928: Sir Ernest Jardine, 1st Baronet of The Park, Nottingham[284]
1929: Percy Robert Clifton of Clifton Hall, Nottingham[173][285]
1930: Brigadier-General Sir Edward Thomas Le Marchant, 4th Baronet of Colston Bassett Hall, Bingham, Nottingham[286]
1931: Philip Austen Birkin[287]
1932: John Jardine, of Clumber Crescent South, The Park, Nottingham[288]
1933: Sir Harold Bowden, 2nd Baronet[289]
1934: Sir Louis Frederick Pearson of Lenton Grove, Nottingham[290]
1935: Lieut.-Col. Noel Gervis Pearson of Bramcote, Nottingham[291]
1936: Col. John Neville Chaworth Musters of Annesley Park, Nottingham[292]
1937: Claude William Chadburn of The Hall, Papplewick[293]
1938: Frank Burton of Orston Hall, Nottingham[294]
1939: Frank James Wriothesley Seely of Brick House, Radcliffe-on-Trent[295]
1940: Francis Egerton Pegler of Forest Lodge, Blyth, Worksop[296]
1941: Lieut.-Col. Sidney Shephard of Elston Hall, Newark[297]
1942: Job Nightingale Derbyshire of Rempstone Hall, near Loughborough[298]
1943: John Farr of Worksop Manor[299]
1944: Lieut-Col. William Allen Potter of Lambley House, Woodborough, Nottingham[300]
1945: John Holland Walker of 15, Park Valley, The Park, Nottingham[301]
1946: Captain William Frederick Player of The Grange, Staunton[302]
1947: Colonel Philip Huskinson Warwick of Normanton Prebend House, Southwell[303]
1948: Lieut.-Commander George John Mackness of Mapperley Park, Nottingham[304]
1949: George Hamilton Bracher Wilson of The Old Rectory, Plumtree[305]
1950: Major-General Sir John Albert Charles Whitaker, 2nd Baronet of Babworth Hall, Retford, Notts, and of Auchnafree, Dunkeld, Perthshire.[306]
1951: Major Edward Harold Spalding, of Flawborough Hall, near Newark.[307]
1952: Colonel Sir Joseph Nall of Hoveringham Hall[308]
1953: Captain Stephen Cecil Armitage of Hawksworth Manor[309]
1954: Major-General Robert Edward Laycock of Wiseton Hall, near Doncaster[310]
1955: Sir Stuart Coldwell Goodwin of Hexgreave Park, Farnsfield[311]
1956: Captain Richard Wing of The Old Manor House, East Bridgford[312]
1957: Lieut.-Colonel George Halliburton Foster Peel Vere-Laurie of Carlton Hall, Carlton-on-Trent, Newark[313]
1958: Rear-Admiral Robert St. Vincent Sherbrooke of Oxton, Newark[314]
1959: Sir Edward Dave Asher Herbert of West Leake Manor, near Loughborough[315]
1960: Lieut.-Colonel Thomas Eben Forman Hardy Car Colston Hall, Car Colston[316]
1961: Major Samuel John Markham Hole of Caunton Manor, Newark[317]
1962: Sir Charles James Buchanan, 4th Baronet[318]
1963: Colonel Patrick James Danvers McCraith of Cranfield House, Southwell[319]
1964: Sir William Barber, 2nd Baronet[320]
1965: Commander Mavourn Baldwin Philip Francklin of Gonalston Hall[321]
1966: George FitzRoy Seymour of Thrumpton Hall[322]
1967: Brigadier John Anstey of The Old House, Epperstone[323]
1968: Colonel Alfred Arthur Warburton of Wigthorpe House, near Worksop[324]
1969: Sir James Herbert Ingham Whitaker of Babworth Hall, Retford[325]
1970: Sir Paul Mason of Morton Hall, Retford[326]
1971: Lieut-Commander Sir Michael Joseph Nall of Hoveringham Hall, Nottingham[327]
1972: Bryan Henry Farr of Worksop Manor, Worksop[328]
1973: Anthony Christopher Multon Battiscombe Scott of Green Mile, Babworth, Retford.[329]
1974: Major-General Robert Gordon-Finlayson of South Collingham Manor, near Newark.[330]
1975: Captain John Stephen Dobson of Papplewick Lodge, Papplewick, near Mansfield.[331]
1976: Andrew George Buchanan of Hodsock Priory, Blyth, Worksop.[332]
1977: Charles Gordon Mackie of The Old Rectory, Elton.[333]
1978: Major Richard Francis Abel Smith of Blidworth Dale House, Ravenshead.[334]
1979: Christopher Gerald Pole-Carew of New Field House, near Screveton.[335]
1980: Richard William Durrant Hanson of Budby Castle, Newark.[336]
1981: Captain John Henry Warrand Hammer of Colston Bassett House, Colston Bassett.[337]
1982: Robin Brackenbury of Holme Pierrepont Hall, Holme Pierrepont[338]
1983: John Davenport Radford of The Burgage, Burgage Green, Southwell.[339]
1984: Colonel James Mayo Alastair Gunn of Epperstone House, Epperstone.[340]
1985: Nicholas John Forman Hardy of Cropwell Court, Cropwell Butler[341]
1986: Ian David Peel Thorne of Beauchamp Barn, Kneesall[342]
1987: Sir John Philip Starkey, 3rd Baronet of Norwood Park, Southwell.[343]
1988: John Edward Madocks of Middleton Crescent, Beeston[344]
1989: Richard Assheton Craven-Smith-Milnes of Winkburn Hall, Newark[345]
1990: Marcia Abel Smith of Blidworth Dale, Ravenshead[346]
1991: George Edward Vere-Laurie of Carlton Hall, Carlton-on-Trent, Newark.[347]
1992: Ian Hugh Phillipps of Grange Farm, Rempstone, Loughborough, Leicestershire.[348]
1993: Juliet Lilias Mortensen[349]
1994: Richard Bertram Godwin-Austen of Papplewick Hall, Papplewick.[350]
1995: George Edmund Peter Thornhill of The Grove, Winthorpe, Newark.[351]
1996: Trevor Forsyth Parr of The Old Rectory, Widmerpool.[352]
1997: Hugh Matheson of Thoresby Park, Newark.[353]
1998: Jennifer Margaret Fair, Lanesmeet, Epperstone.[354]
1999: Alexander Michael Nall, Hockerton Manor, Hockerton[355]
21st century
2000: Barbara Ann Vere-Laurie, Carlton Hall, Carlton-on-Trent, near Newark.[356]
2001: Sir John James Ingham Whitaker, Babworth Hall, Retford.[357]
2002: Colonel Timothy Stewart Richmond, The Old Vicarage, Southwell Park, Kirklington.[358]
2003: William Henry Marcello Parente, of Welbeck Abbey[359]
2004: Henry Vessey Machin, of Keepers Castle, Gateford, Worksop[360]
2005: Anthony Harwick Wilkinson[361]
2006: Christopher Battiscombe-Scott[362]
2007: Commander Peter Russell Moore [363]
2008: Colonel Roger Merryweather[364]
2009: John Michael Rowen[365]
2010: Amanda Margaret Farr, of Kirklington[366]
2011: Sir John Peace, Manor Road, Caunton[367]
2012: C P Liell Francklin[368]
2013: Nicola June Weston of Shelford Nottingham[369]
2014: Graham S Cartledge of Caunton, Newark[370]
2015: Dr Jaswant Singh Bilkhu of Radcliffe-on-Trent, Nottingham[371]
2016: Judith Lynne Naake of Bramcote[372]
2017: Colonel David Rupert Sneath of Nottingham[373]
2018: Professor Nicholas Richard Brian Ebbs of Ravenhead, Nottingham[374]
2019: Jonathan James Teare of Oxton, Southwell[375]
2020: Professor Dame Elizabeth Harriet Fradd of Tollerton[376]
2021: Professor Harminder Singh Dua of Redhill[377]
2022: Paul David Southby of Ravenshead[378]
2023: Professor Veronica Moraa Pickering of Lambley, Nottinghamshire[379]
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