Greasley Castle Revisited - what it looked like, why it was built and the dark deeds that happened there...
Two recent academic projects have given us a much richer picture of what Greasley Castle looked like, the colourful characters who lived there and the disturbing events that actually happened inside its walls...
In 2021 the owners of Greasley Castle commissioned a "buildings archaeology survey" of the site, the results of which have helped update our interpretation of what the castle would have looked like when it was first built by soldier and politician Nicholas de Cantilupe around 1340.
Other research, by Aberdeen and Cardiff universities, into 14th century court records has revealed more about the events of Greasley's dark past. It's a tale about a kidnapped daughter, a transgender knight with "insufficient genitals" and a father's gallant rescue mission, the only historically verifiable raid on Greasley Castle. More about that after we've looked at the buildings themselves...
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What Greasley Castle could have looked like today had it survived, based on the latest survey evidence |
Greasley Castle revisited
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Triskele Heritage's schematic of the layout of Greasley Castle. |
Before the Castle
The Greasley Castle of 1340 was built on the site of an earlier medieval village settlement⁵. Evidence for this has been found in the surrounding fields in the form of hut and building platforms. It would have had a simple manor house perhaps built by the De Gresele family who owned the manor prior to the De Cantelupes.
Medieval Greasley's outer earthworks⁵ would perhaps have been topped with a wooden pallisade to protect the villagers in their "wattle and daub" thatched huts inside. The extensive fishponds⁵ that are such a prominent feature of Greasley's present day remains are also from this earlier period. They would have been stocked with fish to provide year-round, easy access protein for the inhabitants. They are some of the largest medieval fishponds known to have survived in the country.![]() |
Greasley-like Maxstoke Castle |
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Tracery window remains at Greasley |
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The Great Hall at Haddon Hall |
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Priest house, Lincoln Cathedral showing same tracery windows and crenellations as Greasley |
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St.Thomas de Cantelupe |
Nicholas's father William was taken under his uncle Thomas's wing as a young man. Thomas paid for his education at Oxford and took his nephew with him on one particularly prestigious journey to the papal Council of Lyon in 1274. No doubt his father's tales of his pious uncle influenced Nicholas to carry out his own religious "great works" like Beauvale Priory. Thomas's personal austerity (he habitually wore a hair shirt), his zeal as a reforming bishop and an intrepid defender of the rights of his church created a devoted following for him. Thomas was also a Provincial Grand Master of the Knights Templar. He died while travelling to the papal court at Orvieto, Italy in 1282. His supporters created a shrine to him at Hereford Cathedral that became an immensely popular pilgrimage destination and started a long campaign to make him into a saint. This, together with over 400 claimed miracles reported at his tomb⁸, lead to Thomas being canonized in 1320. St Thomas de Cantelupe’s feast day was fixed, for reasons not fully apparent, on 2 October. He was the penultimate figure of English history to have achieved official, papal, canonization during the Middle Ages.
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Mappa Mundi at Hereford Cathedral |
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Religious relic, the skull of St.Thomas de Cantelupe |
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The 1280 stone-built Trent Bridge along the current one built in 1871 |
Nicholas's cousin William la Zouche, as the Archbishop of York, was himself in the middle of building the gothic masterpiece of York Minster at the same time. No doubt this was further inspiration for Nicholas. William was guest of honour at Greasley for one of its greatest events.
On the 9th of December 1343, William was head of the party of dignitaries present at Greasley Castle for the signing and witnessing of the Foundation Charter for Beauvale Priory¹, one of Greasley's and Nicholas's most auspicious days. One can imagine the contrasting scenes that day, winter outside, a roaring fire in the Great Hall, a feast on the table and the grandly dressed visitors, the Archbishop in his robes, being welcomed and warming themselves by the fire. Over the hill in Beauvale at the austere Priory, the monks in their thin, white robes shivering alone in their unheated stone cells contemplating God and eternity. It's the perfect picture of religious patronage and devotion.Dark Deeds and the Transgender Knight
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Nicholas de Cantilupe's mutilated tomb |
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Katherine was threatened with imprisonment at Greasley |
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Medieval raiding party |
Katherine's father, Sir Ralph Paynel, led an armed attack on Greasley Castle to rescue his daughter. This is the only historically verifiable raid on Greasley Castle but it was an inside job as Katherine's maid let the gallant knights in and Katherine was whisked away to a friendly castle in Roxby, north Yorkshire, well away from her husband's men. Nicholas refused to undergo a physical examination and the annulment was eventually granted. He refused to accept the verdict and decided to petition the Pope, in person, to reverse the annulment. He needed to travel to Avignon, then the principal Papal city but Nicholas died there, 2 years later, aged 28. A post mortem showed possible signs of arsenic poisoning.
Recent re-examination of the case by academics at Aberdeen and Cardiff Universities, has produced an intriguing new theory, that Nicholas was transgender, intersex or even female, suffering from a hormonal condition called Congenital Adrenal Hypoplasia (CAH). This causes the body to make too many male hormones so girls with this condition are stocky and muscular with deep voices, ambiguous genitalia and extra body hair. To the medieval mind, the enlarged clitoris would look like as a small penis. One form of CAH results in low salt production, especially under stressful circumstances, meaning a lack of stamina. If untreated it leads to death with symptoms similar to arsenic poisoning.
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Katherine Paynel's effigy at Broughton |
We'll give the final word to Katherine Paynel. She married again (twice actually) and went on to have many children with her new husbands, so securing the Paynel bloodline². She even has her own tomb effigy that preserves her image for posterity in the church of Broughton, Lincs. There she lies with final husband, the well-endowed Sir Henry Retford.
If you want to read more about the history of Greasley Castle or it's neighbour Watnall Hall there is plenty to go at on the "Tales from Watnall Hall" website here
Triskele Heritage -
Professor F. Pedersen, Aberdeen University - Interview
Melissa Julien-Jones, Cardiff University - various papers and books on Cantilupe history incl.
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A Beauvale monk's house and garden, based on fragments found on site |
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Mount Grace Charterhouse in North Yorkshire has a layout and location very similar to Beauvale |
The monks themselves had an extremely spartan life. They were the strictest and most austere of any of the religious orders and the most reclusive. Each white-robed monk lived in his own separate dwelling, and none of them were allowed to go out of the bounds of the monastery except the priors and proctors, and they only to attend to the necessary affairs of the house. Unlike other monastic orders they renounced all guests and community work. They were also a silent order, not being allowed to speak except for a brief conversation once a week. They ate alone, their meal delivered through a hatch in the wall although there was one communal meal once a week. They lived a solitary, contemplative life, were required to study and to work with their hands, their labour consisting of cultivating the fields and gardens, chopping wood and transcribing books. They gained a reputation for scholastic learning and literature. Even their worship was plain and simple. No gold or silver vessels or ornaments, no instrumental music, just singing. There were high walls around the entire site cutting off the outside world.
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Each monk lived alone in a cell (shown here) with a living room and small garden |
English Heritage take care of England's best preserved Carthusian house Mount Grace Priory. They have reconstructed a typical monk's cell and garden. It is well worth a visit. You can read their articles on a monk's life here
2 - Sir Henry de Retford and Katherine Paynel's effigy at Broughton - there were 2 Katherine Paynels to consider and identify, mother and daughter. A record of a 1385 fine clears up which one married Sir Henry de Retford...
"The 1385 fine which you have quoted does not state that Katherine, wife of Henry de Retford, knight, was the widow of Ralph Paynell. Quite clearly from the fine they were two different women, since Katherine wife of Henry de Retford was to inherit after the death of the Katherine, widow of Ralph Paynell. I would also like to point out that Katherine, widow of Nicholas de Cauntelo (died 22 Feb 1371) married secondly before 3 December 1371, Sir John Auncell, knight, who died some time before January 1380".
1385 Fine Reference:
CP 25/1/143/145, number 47.
County: Lincolnshire.
Place: Westminster.
5 - Greasley Castle is a nationally important example of a high status, fortified manor house with associated village, communal agricultural system and fishponds. It's Historic England listing explains its significant features...
Fortified houses were residences belonging to some of the richest and most powerful members of society. Their design reflects a combination of domestic and military elements. In some instances, the fortifications may be cosmetic additions to an otherwise conventional high status dwelling, giving a military aspect while remaining practically indefensible. They are associated with individuals or families of high status and their ostentatious architecture often reflects a high level of expenditure. The nature of the fortification varies, but can include moats, curtain walls, a gatehouse and other towers, gunports and crenellated parapets. Their buildings normally included a hall used as communal space for domestic and administrative purposes, kitchens, service and storage areas. In later houses the owners had separate private living apartments, these often receiving particular architectural emphasis. In common with castles, some fortified houses had outer courts beyond the main defences in which stables, brew houses, granaries and barns were located. Fortified houses were constructed in the medieval period, primarily between the 15th and 16th centuries, although evidence from earlier periods, such as the increase in the number of licences to crenellate in the reigns of Edward I and Edward II, indicates that the origins of the class can be traced further back. They are found primarily in several areas of lowland England: in upland areas they are outnumbered by structures such as bastles and tower houses which fulfilled many of the same functions. As a rare monument type, with fewer than 200 identified examples, all examples exhibiting significant surviving archaeological remains are considered of national importance.
Medieval society was supported by a communal system of agriculture based on large, unenclosed open arable fields. These large fields were subdivided into strips (known as lands) which were allocated to individual tenants. The cultivation of these strips with heavy ploughs pulled by oxen-teams produced long, wide ridges and the resultant `ridge and furrow' where it survives is the most obvious physical indication of the open field system. Individual strips or lands were laid out in groups known as furlongs defined by terminal headlands at the plough turning-points and lateral grass baulks. Furlongs were in turn grouped into large open fields. Well-preserved ridge and furrow, especially in its original context adjacent to village earthworks, is both an important source of information about medieval agrarian life and a distinctive contribution to the character of the historic landscape. It is usually now covered by the hedges or walls of subsequent field enclosure.
The wealthier members of the community, in addition to regulating the communal agricultural system, often maintained fishponds for their own private supply of meat. Fishponds were an expression of wealth and status during the medieval period and later and are usually attached to monastic institutions or the main manorial complex.
The building of fishponds began in the medieval period and peaked in the 12th century. The difficulty of obtaining fresh meat in the winter and the value placed on fish in terms of its protein content and as a status food may have been factors which favoured the development of fishponds and which made them so valuable. The practice of constructing fishponds declined after the Dissolution of the Monasteries in the 16th century although in some areas it continued into the 17th century. Documentary sources provide a wealth of information about the way fishponds were managed. The main species of fish kept were eel, tench, pickerel, bream, perch and roach. Most fishponds were located close to villages, manors or monasteries or within parks so that a watch could be kept on them to prevent poaching. Archaeologically fishponds are important for their association with other classes of medieval monument and in providing evidence of site economy.
Greasley Castle is a relatively well-preserved and important example of a fortified house. The standing, buried and earthwork remains will retain important archaeological and environmental information. The fishponds, the moat and the bank and ditch defining the larger enclosure, are particularly conducive to the accumulation and preservation of artefactual, environmental and ecofactual material and may retain important waterlogged deposits. The importance of the site is increased by the survival of spatially associated features. Taken as a whole Greasley Castle will contribute greatly to the knowledge and understanding of fortified houses and their position in the medieval and post-medieval landscape.
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Old and new Trent bridges 1871 |
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